chapter 32

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"Why the heck do you look excited?" Rindou asked as he looked at his sister who was smiling non stop. "Eh, well I want this to be over and have my reward of course" she said with a small smile.

Rindou just sigh at her as he looked at Ran. "Well let's get over with this, the quicker this is done the quicker she'll be at home" He grumbled making Ran nod.

"Remember what you did last time? Just do that again and we'll be right behind you" Ran said making her nod.

"Be careful okay? And don't do something stupid" Ran warned her making her hum. "Don't worry I won't, I just want this over" She said and her brothers just nod.

"You can enter first, we'll enter after a few minutes later" he said making sakayo sigh. She turned around and glanced at Takeomi before heading inside the bar.

And just like last time, the moment she stepped in. The smell of alcohol, sweat and smoke instantly invaded her nose.

"Ugh damn, if it weren't for the reward takeomi said I would have backed out" she muttered as she went to the bar to get some drinks.

"One cocktail please" She said to the bartender as she sat down. "They'll probably be angry that I'm here drinking, but oh well. Need some alcohol in my system" she sighed and looked around.

'Okay, so they're inside now but my target is yet to be seen' she thought as she caught a glimpse of her brothers and the other executives one of the tables.

Countless girls were already there, sitting besides them or sitting in their lap. "And they say I can't sleep with someone until I graduated. But damn even back then they already slept with countless girls" she muttered as the bartender handed her drink.

"What's a lovely lady like you sitting and drinking alone here?" A guy asked from behind her making her turn around.

"None of your business" she said as she looked at the guy. "Oh come on now, how about we leave and have some fun elsewhere" The guy insisted making sakayo scowl at him.

"I said no, so just leave me alone dude" she said and glared at the guy. "Tsk, why can't you just listen" The guy said and was about to grab her when someone stopped him.

"I think the lady said no" The other guy said making her smirk inside her head. 'Well looks like my target is here, I gotta admit though he is good looking' she thought as she looked at him.

The other guy just let out a frustrated huff before leaving. "Are you okay miss?" Her target asked making her absently nod.

"Can I get you a drink? As a thanks for helping me" Sakayo smiled at him. "Well if a gorgeous lady like you is offering, I wouldn't refuse" the man chuckled as he sat down besides her.

"My name is sakayo, and you are?" She asked as she took a sip out of her drink. "Ren Hatoshi" He introduced.

They both had some small talk for a few minutes for before Ren leaned on her ears. "Why don't we talk somewhere else?" He raised a brow making her chuckle.

"Sure why not" she smiled as she set her glass down and followed after him, not before glancing back slightly at where her brothers where.

"So how old are you exactly?" Sakayo tried to start a small conversation as they went up to the second floor. "29" Ren answered making her hum.

"How about you?" Ren asked as he glanced at her. "24" Sakayo murmured as they reached a door. Once they entered the room, sakayo felt herself being pinned down the wall.

She let out a chuckle as the man stared at her. "Quite excited are we? But sorry to ruin your night buddy. You ain't having me" Sakayo smiled as she kneed him straight up the balls.

"Fucking bitch!" The cursed out as he let go of her and kneeled on the floor. "My sister isn't a fucking bitch" Ran growled as he glared at the man, who's face went pale.

"B... Bonten?!" The guy said as he stared at Sakayo. "Sorry buddy" she waves at him and left. "Takeomi will drive you home, we'll try to be home as soon as we finish with this" Rindou said as he saw her go out of the room.

"Oh yeah sure, just take your time" she smiled at him before gazing at Takeomi with a smirk. "Hah, see the mission was a success" she said as they both went out.


Yeah, I'm gonna make the next chapter a smut chapter again, so if your not comfortable with that just skip it.

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