My Thanksgiving this year had been slightly better, but it had just been me and my grandparents. They hadn't wanted to overwhelm me with new family members just yet. They would be doing that for Christmas.

Apparently my grandparents hosted Christmas while on Thanksgiving, they usually spent that time with some friends while their children spent their Thanksgiving at other relatives' houses. They sometimes spent Thanksgiving with their children and their families every once in awhile, but this year they were spending Christmas with them so that was when I was going to meet the rest of Charlotte's family.

I was a little bit nervous about meeting them. It was unclear how the rest of Charlotte's family felt about Charlotte, which means I was unsure of how they would feel about me. I'm sure if they didn't like Charlotte because of the way Charlotte was, then they might automatically assume that I could be just like her.

"Yeah she never spent them with me," I finally answered.

"Your own mother has never spent one Thanksgiving or Christmas with you?" Nathan asked in disbelief. I'm sure Charlotte had spend a couple holidays with me when I was younger, but I was too young to remember that. I just know in the recent years I had spent the holidays alone.

"If she did, then I don't remember it," I replied. Nathan nodded his head and then said, "You didn't spend this Thanksgiving alone though, right?"

"No, I was with my grandparents. All their children and their families were at other relatives' houses for Thanksgiving, but I'll get to meet more of my family at Christmas," I said.

"That's got to be better than what you're used to," Nathan replied. I nodded my head and then said, "Yeah it definitely is. It was nice not to be alone on a holiday, but it was also a little weird. I'll get used to it though because I don't want to be alone on the holidays."

Not knowing whether or not the rest of my family was going to like me because I was Charlotte's daughter wasn't helping me be very excited that I was meeting some more family. I had lived with Charlotte all my life so it probably wasn't that far off to think that Charlotte's brothers and sisters were dreading meeting me because I could have turned out exactly like Charlotte. And I'm sure they didn't want to deal with a person who could be exactly like Charlotte again. They probably didn't even want to see Charlotte ever again.

Unless Charlotte actually got along with her siblings. I had never asked my grandparents about Charlotte's relationship with her siblings because I had just assumed that Charlotte treated everyone like shit since that's how she treated her parents and everyone else that she crossed paths with.

I don't think Charlotte was coming over for Christmas though so no one would have to worry about actually dealing with Charlotte herself. She probably hadn't even been invited to come over for Christmas. I knew that she hadn't been invited to come over for Thanksgiving because my grandparents had mentioned that they had just wanted it to be the three of us. My grandparents had only invited her over so we could talk to her about my father, not to spend the holidays with us. That was the only reason she was allowed to come over unless she had changed her ways. But I don't think she had changed her ways at all. I think she was still the same old Charlotte that everyone here knew.

"You'll get used to it eventually as it happens every year," Nathan said looking over at me and smiling. I smiled back and then said, "I sure hope so."

"So where else do you want to go?" Nathan asked me as we stepped out of a department store into the hallways where more stores were located.

"I don't really have anywhere else I want to go. I've bought everything I need at the moment," I replied looking down at the two small shopping bags I had in my hands.

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