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Jungwon parks his car into his huge driveway. I sometimes forget how rich the Kang is livings are. Jungwon never invites us to his house because of haerin and her hate for the gays, a.k.a us-

"Alright! Party time!" Sunoo and Minji both say as they run into the house together, those two are inseparable. "They are like brother and sister from different mothers-" I say, making Jungwon and I chuckle as we step inside the house. "Jungwon! Hey!" Some guys hugs Jungwon and Jungwon blushes. I raise an eyebrow but don't question it much and look around my surroundings.

"Hanni my bedroom is upstairs and all the way down the hall to the right." Jungwon says. "Okay, what are you gonna do?" I ask and glance at him and the guy eyeing him down like he is a piece of meat. "I'll sit on the couch and wait for you there." Jungwon says as he locks hands with the guy and walks to the couch. At least he is truthful to staying on the couch-

I walk through the house, passing smelly bodies that reeked of alcohol and cigarettes, or vapes since that is what most adolescents use. In order to reach the stairs I pass by the kitchen revealing plenty of hormonal teenagers playing drinking games, some in the corner kissing against the kitchen counter, some ravishing whatever they find in the refrigerator.

"Hey! Hanni!" Minji slurs out and wraps her arm around my shoulder pulling me in so she can kiss my cheek. "Minji! What are you doing!?" I ask and catch a whiff of her breath. "You're drunk!" I cover my nose and take her arm off of me. "The gays are in my house? I thought that sign outside should've kept you guys away." I hear a feminine voice say behind me. "Haerin?" I ask and she rolls her eyes. "Who else would it be? One of your lesbo friends." She scoffs and I roll my eyes.

"Look it's just a party, just enjoy it without hating on us. We aren't even acknowledging you, so why does us being here affect you so much?" I ask and she quirks an eyebrow up. "This is my house, my rules." She says through gritted teeth and steps closer to me. I step back and head upstairs to jungwons room to change my clothes, I'm not going to waste my time with that girl, ever.

Once finally in his room, I close the door and began to look for the black bomber jacket I liked.

After searching I find it and pair it with a black muscle shirt underneath that he had. Time for the pants.

I take off my work pants and fold them and put them under his bed with the rest of my work clothes so no one takes them. Now I'm left in my boxers.

I find a pair of faded, dark blue jeans. "This outfit is sick!" I smile to myself and glance in the mirror as I was about to put my pants on, the door opens. I glance at the door through the mirror and widen my eyes. "Haerin?" I question and see her glance down at my slight bulge. Shit-

I quickly cover myself with the pants and turn to face her. "Haerin it's n-", "YOURE A TRANSGENDER?!" she screams and was about to walk out but I run to her and close the door. "Haerin please, let me explain!" I say and she backs away from me and her legs hit the bed. "What the fuck are you!?" She looks at me with disgust, so much disgust. "I'm an intersex....i was born this way..." I look down and hear her scoff.

"You're even more weird...I don't know what my brother and his friends see in you." She crosses her arms over her chest. "And I don't know what that fuckboy of a boyfriend sees in you either, you're a bitch." I say through gritted teeth. I've had it with this girl.

She storms over to me, eyes enraged and she pushes my shoulders making me stumble a little. "I'm a bitch!? No one has ever called me that." She says. "They do all the time just not to your face, they don't have the balls but I do!" I say and she scoffs. "Yeah clearly you do." She says and I look away from her.

"Just wait till everyone at school hears about this...they'll look at you with even more disgust than me! I bet they'll even bully you and I hope they do, I'll join in on it too." She smiles sweetly at me and placed a kiss on my cheek, causing my budge to slightly harden. "You get hard from that, that's sad. You'll never have me anyways Hanni, Ni-Ki has me every night and I bet he's bigger than yours." She smirks and I roll my eyes, he isn't I've seen his leaked photos.

"Kang haerin..." I say sternly and she stops laughing. "Please, don't say anything...I'm literally begging you..." I look into her eyes trying to find any ounce of kindness from her, but nothing. Cold, ice stones is all I see being surrounded by a dark cavern in her eyes....

"Too late." She says as she holds up her phone with a picture of my in my boxers with my bulge showing. "Why am I getting so many like? Oh...cause they are laughing at you!" She smiles and walks towards the door. "Many seem to like you...I don't know what they see in you..." Haerin spits in disgust and exits the room.

"Knew this was a bad idea..." I sigh and hesitantly leave the room.

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