[1] Work

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"Sunoo I already told you not to bother me while I'm at work!" I say to my friend as he stands beside me while I scan the customers snacks. "Girl it's late at night, and we at a convenience store! No one cares if I'm here talking to you!" He rolls his eyes. He's always been more on the sassy side...

"That'll be $7.65 ma'am." I say to the lady with a mask on. The lady glances at sunoo who stands behind me and whispers, "Is he your boyfriend?" I nearly burst out laughing. "No ma'am, he's just my friend! If you couldn't tell he's a little more on the sassy side meaning-" The lady nods in understanding and chuckles afterwards. I bid goodbye to the lady and turn to my friend sunoo.

"What do you want? You only bother me when you want me to do something for you." I roll my eyes and he scoffs. "Come to a party with me please!" He begs while praying with his hands. "Sunoo I have homework later! And you know I don't do parties..." I say and he groans. "Just once Hanni! Let loose a little and I'm sure many girls will want your di-" I hit him and he stops talking. "Shut up! I don't want anyone to know!" I say and he squints his eyes at me.

"It's not a bad thing Hanni..." he says and I look away from him. "Many think otherwise..." I say and he rubs my shoulder. "I don't, and neither does Minji or Jungwon." He smiles at me making me relaxed. "Yeah I love you guys." I smile at him. "WE LOVE YOU TOO!" Minji and jungwon enter the convenience store and shout almost making me shit my pants.

"GAWD DAMNIT-" I clutch my chest and sunoo clutches onto my shoulders as he hides behind me. "Pham Pham you going to jungwons sisters party?" Minji smirks at me. "Please Hanni! I'll never bother you while you're at work again!" Sunoo pleads. "We know that's a lie-" Jungwon laughs and sunoo glares at him. "Seriously though Hanni, come on! We will be with you the entire time!" Jungwon pleads as well.

"Yeah! Well I might go talk to haerin." Minji smirks and Jungwon slaps her arm. "Minji I will smack your face! You know my sister has a boyfriend and doesn't like people like us!" He says and Minji rolls her eyes. "I don't know why she's so against gays...and why she has that ugly ass boyfriend, I can do better." Minji scoffs and Jungwon rolls his eyes. "Tell me about it. She didn't talk to me for a WHOLE MONTH!" Jungwon says.

"A whole month?" I ask. "Yes because she found out I was gay and was friends with yall..." he looks down. "Don't let your straight sister get to you! She probably mad because you getting more dick than her-" Sunoo rolls his eyes and Jungwon laughs. "Her and ni-ki are annoying when they are at the house, all he wants to do is have Sex with her and I don't know how she doesn't see that." Jungwon rubs his head. "Have you tried telling her?" Minji asks him. "Yeah... but she just thinks I'm jealous and want her boyfriend-" he shrugs. "Wow- yup I don't have a crush on your sister anymore!" Minji smiles widely and we all laugh.

"So...you coming to the party Pham Pham?" Minji leans her arm on my shoulder and stares deeply into my eyes. I glance at the clock, it just turned 11 at night, meaning we are closed. I sigh, "Fine just let me lock up first and go change." I say and they all clap excitedly. "YES! We will wait outside in my car!" Jungwon says and all my friends wait for me as I lock the store up.

The front door opens meaning someone just came in. "Sorry we are closed." I glance up and see a girl with long, straight brown hair and cat eyes. "I don't care. I'm here to buy beer for my party." She says and my ears quirk up. "Party? You're having a party?" I ask and she rolls her eyes. "Yes are you deaf? I literally just said that." She says and heads to the beer section.

The door opens again and it's Jungwon this time. "Haerin! They are closed!" He says and glances at her and then me. "I don't give a fuck jungwon!" She says and continues browsing through the beer. "Sorry Hanni." He apologizes. "Hanni?" She asks and turns back at me. I feel so small under her scrutinizing gaze. "You're one of jungwons friends..." she says and I slowly nod. Her face scrunches up in disgust as she walks closer to me, examining me.

"Haerin, leave her alone. You can put all your hate on me but not my best friend." He says and stands in front of me. "I'm never coming here again." She bitterly says to us as she storms out but not before taking one last glance at me and rolls her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Hanni!" He turns around and hugs me. "Aye! It's okay dude. She's a little scary but she just looks like she always has a stick up her ass-" I say and he laughs. "Probably because of Ni-Ki." He chuckles. "I'll help you lock up." He says and we starts to stock up real quick before exiting and locking the store.

"Finally! Yall are lucky the party is just getting started now, Hanni let's get you dressed!" Sunoo says and Minji claps her hands together. "I'm so gonna regret this." I chuckle while getting into the passenger seat while Jungwon is driving. "We can just go to my house since the party is there and Hanni you can borrow my clothes." Jungwon says. "Any of them! I know how much you like that one black bomber jacket I have." Jungwon smirks making me smile. "I do like that jacket..." he chuckles and we head off to his house, basically the party.

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