Grace didn't want to pry and ask her if something was wrong but it had her worried. Her business here was almost done and as she thought about everything she had done to get to this point, guilt soon filled her as she observed Charlotte. A friend who looked worse for wear lately but was still as kind as ever. And as she looked at the cut on her forehead she couldn't help but wonder if telling Campbell to get information on her was the right choice.

She never wanted Charlotte to get hurt, that was never her intention. Despite what Campbell had said before, Grace didn't see Charlotte as a means to their endgame. As an obstacle in the way of her mission. She was more than that. Grace had grown to care for her, in more ways than one. The last thing she wanted was to be the cause of her suffering. Indirectly or not.

"As long as you're okay." Grace gives her a smile but her eyes were concerned and full of guilt and something else that neither Grace herself or Charlotte could understand.

Charlotte looks at her a moment, takes in her expression, the look in her eyes. Since her suspicions of Grace, she had started to notice more and more that she didn't before. The false sense of friendship and trust no longer masking her to what was really going on, who Grace really was. And while she didn't have it all figured out yet, who Grace was, what she was doing and why, she knew it was only a matter of time. The truth can't stay buried for long, soon enough everything comes to light. Especially when you least expect it.

Grace stands near a long bench in the park, checking her watch as she waits for Campbell to arrive. Moments later he walks over to join her.

"Grace." He says in greeting, she gives him a nod in response. "Your note said you wanted to meet with me?"

"Yes, I had some questions, regarding The Garrison last night." She gives him a knowing look.

     "The Garrison?" Campbell says in slight confusion before he recalls the event. "Well, there was some kind of scuffle and the police were involved, but what matter is it to you?"

     "Charlotte was there. She got hurt." Grace tells him.

     "I see." But he didn't. He didn't understand why that woman's involvement would matter. "That wasn't my intention. I never knew he would involve her."

     "He trusts her. I told you that, you didn't believe me." She reminds him.

     "My concern is for you. It was ugly business that I'm glad he didn't involve you in."

     "But it's my job." She tells him firmly. "Charlotte shouldn't have been involved."

     "She's been living with beasts. Whatever she involves herself in isn't your concern." Campbell reminds her.

     "It is when we are part of the reason for it happening in the first place." She says as she takes a seat on the bench. Grace was no fool, she knew now that Campbell had some side deal with Thomas Shelby that he hadn't mentioned to her. And whatever happened at The Garrison last night was apart of it.

     Campbell doesn't know what to say. Grace speaks again. "I think something inside me has changed. I no longer feel the need to avenge my father. The hatred that I brought here with me is gone. And therefore my reasons for joining the service."

The Runaway • 𝑇𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑦 𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑏𝑦Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz