Well, he leaves me no choice. Kevin chose violence?
So be it.

As I looked at him furiously, Kevin shot back the daggers I was sending him. So, I suddenly shifted my gaze to the back wall and bore a surprised expression, as if something, or rather someone, had appeared behind him. He slightly lessened his tight hold as a confused look claimed his face and, slowly, he turned his head to see what could have possibly caught my attention. Well, guess he's still an idiot after all.

"What? What is i—?"

I didn't let him finish his sentence as I granted a wish I had since a long, looong time ago: with my free hand still grabbing his shirt, I forced him down while I shoved my knee in his crotch. I kicked him with all the force I could muster, right where I knew he would suffer long enough for me to get away.

The strike knocked the breath out of him and he folded over himself, grasping his genitals like his life depended on it. Within the few seconds he took to process what just happened, his look of surprise turned into one of pure agony.

I couldn't help but to let out a deep sigh as Kevin crumbled in pain on the floor, grunting so loud it reverberated onto the tiles of the room. And to think that I could easily beat the shit out of him now, if only I wasn't already at my limits... But, given the circumstances, the prize of leaving him like this was enough. For now.

I at least delivered one last, strong foot kick to his side before I left him there, going around his body as if it was mere garbage strewn on the floor. I hurried back to my open locker and gathered my belongings as fast as possible, shoving them in my bag before slapping the thin metal door shut.

I quickly made my way out of the room, but not without earning some of Kevin's flowery language which echoed behind me like a bitter aftertaste.

When I harshly opened the door to get out, I crashed into something huge and stiff right at the doorstep. Being pushed back inside by the strong collision, the thing grabbed and pulled me against it swiftly. As I lifted my gaze up, that's when I understood I had run into König just before he was about to enter, probably alerted by all the commotion. His eyes were wide open as he tried to comprehend what was going on.

Since my hand was holding my bag strap over my shoulder, he grabbed it as soon as he saw the red marks coloring my wrist. And, as Kevin's swearing could still be heard in the background, König frowned, putting 2 and 2 together almost immediately.

He softly shoved me toward the gym before entering the room himself. He was greeted by the sight of Kevin on the floor, hands desperately holding his balls while cursing his lungs out.

"You stupid bitch! When I catch you, I'll make you pay!" Kevin cried out loud, face resting on the ground, not able to see what was coming for him.

The door closed on itself again, rendering me blind of the scene that unfolded there; although the loud punch noise, followed by grunts of pain, then swears (or threats?) in German, and then another punch, gave a clear enough hint of what happened. No other sounds came from the locker room before the door opened again on König.

He softly took my wrist and inspected the marks again, not saying a word for a moment. I twitched my fingers unintentionally, itching to leave this place, and it made him finally react.

"Come with me, let's get out of here" he said in a neutral voice as he kept my hand in his. I followed him without any resistance, feeling so much relief I didn't even bother to argue.

I got entangled in a web of thoughts as I let König drag me around, graphic thoughts about how I could definitely rip Kevin of his manhood—after all, no kid on earth deserves a dork like him as a father, it would be providing a service to the community at this point. When I paid attention back to our surroundings I almost didn't recognize the walls of our barracks. Something was off, the doors weren't on the right side of the corridor...

Beware of the Shadow - König x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now