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On a train, Ethan, Claire, Luther Stickell, Franz Krieger, and Y/N all sit at a table.

Ethan: Simple game. Five players. Exfil opens the pocket, cyber ops lifts the wallet, infantry runs away with the wallet.

Franz: Bank?

Ethan: IMF mainframe.

Franz: Where exactly is it?

Ethan: In Langley.

Y/N, Luther, and Franz all share a look.

Luther: In Langley?

Y/N: As in Langley, Virginia?

Franz: Inside CIA headquarters at Langley?

Ethan smirks at all of them. Franz looks at Claire.

Franz: Is he serious?

Claire also smirks.

Claire: Always.

Franz laughs.

Franz: If we're going to Virginia, why don't we drop by Fort Knox? I can fly a helicopter right in through the lobby and set it down inside the vault, and it would be a hell of a lot easier than breaking into the goddamn CIA.

Y/N chuckles at Franz's snarky comment.

Y/N: Sounds like a plan to me.

Franz chuckles and points at Y/N.

Franz: I like this one.

Luther: Gentlemen, focus.

Y/N scoffs.

Luther: What are we downloading?

Ethan: Information.

Luther: What kind?

Ethan: Profitable.

Claire: Payment on delivery.

Y/N rubs his face and Luther removes his sunglasses.

Luther: I don't know. I just don't know.

Ethan: Well, this doesn't sound like the Luther Stickell I heard of. What did they used to call you, "the Net Ranger"? "Phineas Phreak"? The only man alive who actually hacked NATO Ghost Com.

Luther: There was never any physical evidence that I had anything to do with that. With that... that exceptional piece of work.

Ethan laughs.

Ethan: You don't know what you're missing. This the Mt. Everest of hacks.

Luther: Y'all are kiddin' yourselves. Even with top-of-the-line crypto, Cray access, STU-III...

Claire: Krieger can get it, right?

Franz is silent for a moment.

Franz: It may take a little time.

Ethan: What the hell do you mean "a little time"? That's not what Claire tells me about you.

Luther: Thinking machine laptops? I'm talking about the 686 prototypes with the artificial intelligence RISC chip.

Y/N raises an eyebrow.

Franz: 24 hours.

Y/N: Was that even English you were speaking there?

Luther laughs and Y/N rolls his eyes.

Y/N: Oh, whatever.

Luther laughs again

Luther: And, uh, I get to keep the equipment when we're done?

Ethan: Luther, I guess you're all out of excuses.

Luther chuckles and rubs his hands together.

Luther: Hmm. Look, uh, I just can't hack my way inside. See, there's no modem access to the mainframe. It's in what we call the standalone, which means I'd have to be physically at the terminal.

Ethan: Relax, Luther. It's much worse than you think.

Y/N shoots Ethan a bewildered look. Y/N sighs.

Y/N: Good lord, Hunt. What are you getting me into here?

Ethan gives a devilish grin.

Ethan: The terminal is in a black vault lockdown.

CIA Analyst William Donloe walks down a hallway.

Ethan: (Voiceover) The only person allowed in the room has to pass through a series of security checks.

Donloe presses a button on a door keypad.

Donloe: William Donloe.

Ethan: The first is a voice print identification and a six-digit access code.

Donloe types "789551" into the keypad and the door opens.

Ethan: This only gets him into the outer room.

Donloe walks into the room, takes off his glasses, and puts his face close to a scanner.

Ethan: Next, he has to pass a retinal scan.

It scans his eyes.

Ethan: And finally, the intrusion countermeasures are only deactivated by a double-electronic key card, which we won't have.

Donloe enters the room and closes the reinforced door.

Ethan: Now, inside the black vault, there are three systems operating whenever the technician is out of the room.

Donloe sets some things on the table in the room.

Ethan: The first sound-sensitive. Anything above a whisper sets it off. The second system detects any increase in temperature. Even the body heat of an unauthorized person in the room will trigger it if the temperature rises just a single degree. Now, that temperature is controlled by the air conditioning coming in through an overhead duct, 30 feet above the floor. That vent is guarded by a laser net.

Donloe leaves and closes the door. The countermeasures reactivate.

Ethan: The third system is on the floor, and is pressure-sensitive. The slightest increase in weight will trigger the alarm. And any one of these systems, if set off, will activate an automatic lockdown.

A drop of liquid forms at the bottom of a cup that Donloe left inside the room.

Ethan: Now, believe me when I tell you, gentlemen, all three systems are state-of-the-art.

The drop falls on the floor and the alarm goes off. Luther and Y/N stare at Ethan in disbelief. 

Luther: And you really think we can do this?

Ethan: We're going to do it.

Y/N sighs. He chuckles and shakes his head.

Y/N: Jesus, Hunt, you're insane.

Ethan smiles.

Ethan: Maybe, but you agreed to this, Y/N. Remember that.

Y/N gives a side smirk.

Y/N: Yeah. I guess I did, didn't I?

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