Meeting Max

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The sun rises in Prague and Ethan and Claire are in the same room. Ethan sits at the table and Claire is standing many feet away.

Ethan: I've been disavowed. They actually think I killed Jim and everyone else.

Ethan stands up.

Ethan: Somehow, $100,000 finds its way into my parents' bank account. Kittridge assumes I'm the mole they've been tracing, and I've been in the employ of an arms dealer, Max, for the last two years to get him our NOC list.

Claire looks concerned.

Claire: What are you gonna do?

Ethan: I'm gonna get it for him.

Claire grabs the bridge of her nose.

Claire: Ethan, you're not making any sense.

Ethan: Whoever the mole is, I think goes by the name of "Job". I can't find him, but if he knows I have the NOC list, he'll find me.

Claire: I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna talk to Kittridge myself, and I'm gonna tell him you had nothing to do with this.

Ethan: Claire, if you're not dead, he's gonna assume you're with me.

The computer starts beeping. Ethan sits back down and Claire walks over to him and looks at the computer. There is a response email from Max.

Claire: The message is for Job.

Ethan: That's right, and I'm gonna answer it.

The email reads, "Job, corner of Nekazanka and Prikopy. One p.m. Buy a pack of Dunhill and ask the man sitting on the bus stop bench for a match."

Ethan walks through a crowd on the sidewalk of a busy street. He sees the man on the bench Max was talking about and approaches him from behind.

Ethan: Excuse me.

The man looks over his shoulder.

Ethan: Can I trouble you for a match?

The man stands up, pulls out a box of matches, takes a match out, and lights it. A black car comes around the corner of the street and stops close to them. The man opens the backseat door and Ethan gets inside the car and sees Matthias sitting in one of the front seats. Matthias looks at Ethan.

Matthias: Would you remove your hat, please?

The man from the bench gets in the other back seat.

Ethan: Why?

Matthias: You wish to meet Max?

He pulls out a mask without eyeholes.

Matthias: The price of admission.

He places it over Ethan's head.

Ethan sits in an office, tied down to a chair, and still wearing the mask.

Ethan: I thought I was going to see Max.

Matthias: You misunderstood. No one sees Max.

Ethan: Then what the hell am I doing here?

Matthias: Allowing Max to see you and hear what you've got to say.

Ethan: Well, I don't communicate very well through a shroud.

Matthias: Well, if Max doesn't like what you have to say, you will be wearing that shroud indefinitely.

Ethan pauses for a moment and thinks.

Ethan: I'm willing to take the chance.

A figure at desk motions for Matthias to remove the shroud and he complies.

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