Last Christmas - by thedeathlysallows

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You jump, slightly embarrassed to be caught. "Oh, uh, yeah..."

You trail off, not sure of what to say when you get a good look at him. He easily towers over you and seems to be as wide as two of you put together. His muscles are visible even through the exceptionally well tailored midnight blue suit he wears. Each one of his movements, despite being graceful, threatens the integrity of said suit. If he flexes even slightly you're sure it'll rip at the seams. His mask is the same color as his suit with silver filigree around the edges. It reminds you of a prettier Phantom of the Opera mask. Behind the mask his eyes are dark. Almost pitch black.

He tilts his head as he looks down at you. "I haven't seen you before."

You shove a thumb over your shoulder, pointing to where you left your friend. "G-Gianna, she- I'm her friend."

Leave it to you to become an absolute mess in front of the first handsome man you see.

"Friend or friend," he teases with a wolfish grin.

"Just friends. I'm not her type."

"But you're someone's type."

You scoff. "Not in about a year."

He hums thoughtfully. "A touchy subject, I see."

"I got dumped on Christmas."

You aren't sure exactly why you're spilling your guts to this guy. Maybe it's the masks. The anonymity of it all is probably giving you a sense of misplaced courage.

Your handsome stranger picks up your hand and runs his lips across your knuckles. "Then he's a fool. Someone as sweet as you should be cherished always."

Heat floods through your body and prickles at your skin. "I don't know about that."

"I do. What's your name? Or shall I just call you darling?"

You give him your name and he repeats it reverently. "Do I get your name?"

"Felix," he says as he bends down so his lips are next to your ear. "It's best to remember as you'll be screaming it later."

You laugh. "Sure, big guy."

The bartender hands you the drink you ordered and you cheers Felix on your way back to your table. You can feel his eyes on your back as you walk away.

Gianna looks panicked as you take your seat, her doe eyes large and afraid. "What took you so long? Did you talk to anyone?"

"Just-" you look back to the bar and find Felix in the same spot you left him. "-him."

All the color drains from her face. She gathers her purse and coat quickly, saying, "we're leaving. Now. Get your things."

She spares one more look at Felix who simply inclines his head before disappearing into the crowd. If it's at all possible, Gianna looks even more physically disturbed.

"Make sure to lock your door tonight. Don't let anyone in for any reason," she lectures while rushing you out of the building and down the street. "Do you understand?"

You struggle to keep up with her hurried steps. "I know I've made questionable choices in the past, but I don't tend to let strangers in my apartment."

Gianna looks at you, her face dead serious. "If anyone comes, scream. Scream as loud as you can."

Her warning echoes around in your head for the rest of the night as you get ready for bed. You aren't used to seeing Gianna afraid. Out of the two of you, she's the one with the unshakable courage. You're just... you. And that's always been fine. Usually. Mostly. It's just unsettling, is your point. It's unsettling that Gianna is scared.

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