Chapter Two

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**Warning: Nonconsensual nakedness and spanking**

Nico's entire body was tense as the alpha stood in front of him, staring down at him shamelessly. The look had him struggling not to panic; what could he truly expect of him? It had been idiotic for him to offer anything when that could encompass so much. Yet the idea of the man passing him around his men was even more terrifying than what the man could possibly intend to do to him. His fear was made worse when a knife was pulled from the man's pocket. Yet to his relief, he only cut the rope binding him before giving one, single command.


The command caught Nico off guard. His eyes went wide, his eyes darting to the alpha's face. Was he serious? He expected him to strip in front of all his men, men who were watching him with hungry eyes when they heard their alpha.

"S-Sir, I -" He hardly even knew what brought the title out, his voice trembling before he cut himself off. He had to take a deep breath, his gaze lowering before he tried again in a quieter voice.
"~-~-~ somewhere private." He mumbled the beginning, making it unintelligible until the very end about the two of them going somewhere more private where they could not be stared at; where he could not be stared at with the humiliating request. He received a snort followed by a roll of the eyes. He glanced around at his men before clicking his tongue.

"What's the matter, pet? You don't like showing off?" He sneered before his tongue clicked and he began to walk away. Nico's eyes widened but he quickly pushed himself to his feet, stumbling after him as he made his way towards a door.

"Wait!" He quickly followed in his footsteps, noting with relief that Orion held the door open for him rather than allowing it to slam shut. Once he was through, the door shut behind him before Orion made his way through the building, making his way up a set of stairs until he came to a door.

"In." Orion opened the door before he waited silently for Nico to enter, something which he did quickly and obediently. Inside appeared to be a bedroom, except he disliked the sight of shackles which attached to the wall. All he could smell was that same musky, cinnamon scent that had come from the alpha. He didn't smell any others which indicated the alpha stayed in this room himself.
"Tonight you will remain here."

"I said -"

"Yes, yes. Bakery. Apartment. Fine. However, you will obey. You will remain here the first night and I am going to show you exactly what it means to be my bitch. Maybe, maybe, if you can prove your loyalty to me then I will happily allow you to return home until I call on you." Orion's voice sounded... different now that they were away from his men. He made his way to the bed, sitting down and crossing his legs. He leaned back, staring at Nico silently as the omega shifted from foot to foot.

"I-I strip now?" Nico whispered quietly, receiving a shrug of the shoulders from Orion.

"Your choice." He repeated.

"My choice, but I have to prove myself. If I don't... then you will throw me to them." Nico whispered the words, though Orion only stared at him without instructing him on how to proceed. Yet he had told him to strip before; Nico could only assume that was what he expected now. Swallowing thickly, he started with his shirt. He pulled it off, dropping it to the floor next to him. After, he began to unbutton his jeans to slide them down his body, allowing them to fall to the ground as well.

"You are small." Orion commented lowly as his eyes searched over Nico's body. His eyes narrowed briefly on the massive bruise Nico had on his abdomen from his father. The man could be mean when he was drunk and needed a fix. Sometimes, he would catch Nico in order to make him give him money. Sometimes he would try desperation, begging. Other times, he would resort to violence.
"And bruised."

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