Chapter 38- Undisclosed Scars

Start from the beginning

"Liberty, I want to warn you Steve is ..." just as Bruce was about to finish his sentence in walked Steve Rodgers himself. After all that was said and done, he was only human, temptation will always prevail, but it takes more than a man to overcome that temptation and to come out a better man.

He stood there in the doorway, Thor eyed hi wearily, as he stepped towards me. Clint looked tense as Steve passed him on his way towards me. I stood there and gave a soft smile up at him, as he looked around him at the silently accusing eyes.

"Don't worry Steve, they're just protective of me, that all." He looked down at me and smiled gently as he bent slight to my eye level. He gave a quick glance over his shoulder to Tony who was waiting tensely to see what his next move was.

"I think it's fair to say they don't trust me around you." He whispered mentally I gave him as sad smile and a small nod.

"Give them time." He gave a quick nod and held out a hand to me. I grasped it tightly and shook it; Steve looked down at me and gave me a grateful smile. I had forgiven him long ago, it was time they did too.

"Ah, I'm glad you made it Mr Stark." I pulled my hand from Steve's as I twisted around to see Charles Xavier standing there, to his right was Eric who had his steeling gaze set on me without distinction, and to Charles's left stood Jean Grey. Jean gave me a small smile as our eyes met; I smiled back as I looked at them.

"I thought it would be best if I brought along some friends in case it got ugly, like last time." Eric's eyes finally moved away from mien allowing me to shiver from his cold stare. Eric glared angrily at Tony, who moved forward and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. I looked up at him as he broke off eye contact with Eric and gave me a small wink. I smirked up at him causing him to smirk widely.

"That is reasonable; I promise that no such altercation should occur. Now you wanted to discuss about the possibility of working together, is that correct?" Tony nodded, he let go of my shoulder and stepped forward into no man's land.

"That's right Professor, we have a common enemy, and we have a common ally." Tony looked at me and smiled as his blue eyes glinted from the harsh white sun that pierced through the veil of grey cloud. I gave a small wary smile back, as Eric's gaze moved away from Tony back to me. I could feel him trying to talk to me mentally, put I was purposefully throwing up my mental walls in order to ignore him.

"Well if that is the case, I think its best we retreat to my office to further discus thing Mr Stark." Tony nodded and looked to the Avengers, and me.

"Of course professor is it ok if the Avengers wander the grounds." Charles looked at me with his intelligent eyes. I nodded to him with a soft smile causing him to smile back.

"Of course." With that Tony continued to talk with Charles as they continued to walk down the hall towards Charles's office. I stood just inside no man's land. Jean grey and Eric on one side, on the other were the Avengers.

"I think Liberty should give us a tour of the grounds." Clint suddenly called out from the back of the avengers. I pulled my emerald and silver gaze away from Eric's own cast steel eyes and smiled at Clint who was in possession of a large boyish grin. Bruce nodded as did Steve. The Vision floated there indifferent, he probably had this place mapped out already. Natasha just leaned back against the ornate wooden walls of the school, her eyes cast down and her stance tense.

"I think its best I take the tour." Jean said happily. I looked up to my left to see Jean smiling and looking at the Avengers. I looked to see Clint's smile drop from his face. I could see why Jena was doing this, she wanted to make relations and show good faith in this unconventional alliance.

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