Ball Cup

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Devon stood motionless, watching Bayle approach her with his massive, intricately wrought, and heavily engraved sword—a gift from Wolfgang.

My blade is plain in comparison, a mere armory sword like any other. She ignored the slightest touch of envy as it reared its ugly head.

"The general hates it when you stare at him like this, and he can't figure out your thoughts. Perhaps it reminds him of Father."

"Why do you think I do it? He's gotten far too stuffy since father promoted him," Devon almost grinned.

Since the first time she defeated Bayle, she had grown more than a foot and became tall for a woman. She'd fought in battles and slain enemies.

Two weeks ago, I even led my first mission and returned victorious. Sadly, Bayle has little time to grace us with his presence these days. The general has his hands on the pulse of our enemies, and it is his job to learn of dangers to the kingdom before those threats come to our doorstep, but occasionally, he has to blow off some steam.

Commander Keltz still smarts from his defeat against the general mere moments ago, and so do about half a dozen others. With Bayle often testing his metal against Father, his skill level improved to where these men stand little chance against him.

"Get him, Princess. The general has grown arrogant in the castle halls," Keltz taunted.

Perhaps he still feels the pressure of filling the general's shoes as commander of the guard. The friendly rivalry between Keltz and Bayle has become legendary among the men, with the general as the clear victor.

"Keltz gave him a few nicks and bruises over the years," the wolf commented.

"Yes, but not much more."

"Says my conquered foe," Bayle countered, refusing to be distracted.

"Defeating Bayle at his current skill level will go a long way toward showing Father our mettle," the wolf said.

"When the general still trained me a while ago, I had a knack for catching him off guard, and the number of victories I scored against him over the years turned me into a legend in the men's eyes."

"Yet left Father unimpressed."

"Maybe I should return and give you some real training. Discipline seems to have grown slack in my absence," Bayle needled Keltz.

"That bit is true. Keltz is a decent commander but not the same caliber man as Bayle. He will never ascend to the rank of general."

"I agree," Devon said, considering the matter.

"The two of us are better than him, but we lack experience. Initially, the soldiers tolerated us because we are Father's daughter, and it amused them that the king indulged you in such a way. The soldiers got a certain enjoyment out of watching us try and fail, but time altered that perspective. Our grit, determination, and the rate at which we absorb information have turned us into an opponent that tests their mettle and that they sometimes fear. One day, Father will see our value."

"The most crucial lesson Bayle taught us is that men respect authority and don't challenge those who can kill them at a whim," Devon reminded, not taking her eyes off the general.

"Father isn't the king because he inherited the title. Wolfgang Creed is the greatest warrior our lands have witnessed in a thousand years. Under his rule, our armies are the most well-trained and feared in the region," the wolf voiced her opinion.

"He crushed the insurrection against him and defeated three of our neighboring kingdoms when they tested his borders, and he now rules their lands. Smaller kingdoms, without the resources to stand against him, pledged their allegiance, and our empire has never been stronger. The king respects those who stand their ground and exceed their limitations."

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