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"Why won't you let her go?" the wolf asked, exasperated.

"Have this mess cleaned up, Bayle, and fetch me a pair of britches."

"Mess? That was a man!"

"Regret will not bring him back to life, nor will respect make right what cannot be undone. Mother taught us well: 'Fear rules kingdoms and respect prevents chaos.' "

"She murdered our father to usurp his kingdom, and when you came of age, she attempted to do the same to you. You locked her up in a tower to keep her contained, and she escaped, falling to her death. Sorry, but I won't be taking any of her advice."

"Women always have an agenda, and in the end, they will betray you," Wolfgang muttered.

Bayle arrived with the pair of pants, which Wolfgang grabbed impatiently and pulled over his bloody legs. He returned to his quarters without even thanking the commander. He almost heard his mother say, "Kings don't show gratitude to servants; they command them."

The commander bowed and left.

"Daisy didn't betray you. You betrayed her by marrying Elizabeth," Carius continued as if no one had interrupted them.

"She was not of royal blood, and I dared not marry the lady. That should have been clear to her from the beginning."

"But you made her believe you two had a future and then cast her aside. Do you even know what happened to her?"

"She left."

"That is not what I asked."

"No, I don't know, and I don't care."

"Because you have Elizabeth on your mind. How did that horrible woman cast such a spell on you? Or was it because she was untamable and never caved?"


The body arrived two days later, and Wolfgang greeted the black-draped, oxen-pulled wagon outside. Flower wreaths covered its sides, tokens of respect from the mayors of each town it passed through, and it irked him.

Elizabeth didn't earn my people's respect, he thought with burgeoning discontentment.

"No, she didn't," Carius agreed. "But nor did she deserve to be murdered."

Everyone stepped away as the king jumped onto the flat wooden wagon. Crouching, he pulled aside the black woven carpet they used to cover her, paying no attention to the wolf's words.

"The murderer didn't remove her ring. That is a message to you," Carius said. "He wanted you to see what happened to her."

"Then it must be one of our enemies, and he should be easy to find."

Elizabeth had not decayed with the daylight ring in place. Wolfgang glared at her for the longest time. It looked as if she were frozen at that horrible moment of her death—except for the eyes, which disconcerted even him.

Why does her demise not ease my fury? he wondered, and a low rumble stirred in his throat.

"Should we make arrangements for the state funeral, Your Majesty?" Bayle asked, keeping his distance.

"No. Unhitch the animals, settle the cart, and leave her here till noon before you call me." He studied her slack-jawed face and milky white eyes with a sense of unease.

Not even the animals or insects touched her body, and her killer gutted her like a fish out of spite.

He pulled the rug back into place, not noticing the fine workmanship.

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