Sisters, Rachel, and Camp

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Ok! So, I haven't updated in a while. I can explain. I was sick. Don't blame me. Blame whoever the god for sickness is. Do you know how hard it is to type a single word on your phone while having a feeling that you could barf any moment with a horrible headache? Thought so.

To repay for the missed updates, I will answer four, yes, four questions. Here I go!

P.S. I might die again. Don't worry, I'm usually about to die.

This is from Professional_Writer or Rachel.
Question: What would you do if all Camp half-blood was destroyed?

I would.. I actually don't know. I'd probably take everone from camp to Camp Jupiter.

This is from RebeVitale or Leo.
Question: Do you get pissed off when someone at CHB speaks another language?

Yeah, I do. Sometimes I feel like some of them talk about me in another language. CHB, can you speak English? Just English?
Or maybe horse or fish. Either could work.

This is from Jaycee_Porter or Jaycee Porter.
Question: If you just found out you had a sister, what would your reaction be?

SISTER. ANOTHER ONE? The cabin is already packed with girls!! This must be sister number 1649291037. How does dad even have time to have so many kids the same age? May I suggest condoms? But, you Jaycee, are one of the very few sisters that I don't dislike.

This is from Rachel again.
Question: What do you think of me?

You are cool. You're my friend. But deep inside you are betrayer.

How could you pick Malcom over me? I knew you longer!



I just saw that your header is a picture of Malcom. Someone got a cru-ush.

Rachel and Malcom sitting in a tree.

Ok, so yeah, those were my four questions. I might get killed. Oh whale! You get used to it after a while.

P.P.S Can you check out my YouTube channel? I'm not forcing you to, but the pleading face of baby seal Percy is. It's Estefany Jackson. Don't judge me. They are 100% Heroes of Olympus videos. Tell me your opinion, good or bad.

Ask and dare Percy Jackson!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora