2//Journeys Beginning!

Start from the beginning

   Yet, he had to snap back into the reality. He got himself up with Cassie's help. 

   "I'll be fine, I hope." He'd say, right before facing Cassie's 'companion', his gaze rather shy and confused with the newcomer. "Who's this?"

   Beep-0 straightened himself up for a proper welcome. "Greetings! I am Beep-0, highly advanced Artificial Intelligence, and assistant to Kassidy Vale!"

   He was quite shorter than the two humans, which was the only real trait that Cassie would associate with him, besides having a futuristic Roomba for a head and floating rabbit ears.

   Cassie was on her phone, trying to figure out where she was. Yet, she had little service. "Kassidy Vale? The inventor?" She asked rather plainly, as it wasn't her focus. "Heard of her, I guess."

   "Oh, yes yes!" Beep-0 said, his tone quick. "But we have a bigger issue to tackle than just who I am! Look around! Where the #^@! are we!?"

   "That's what I'm trying to find, Mr. Rooma for a head!" Cassie snapped. "Look! We are nowhere!"

   Luke sort of drew back, more shy now that he was alone with just Cassie and some robot. He was now even more afraid due to the fact that he was in the middle of nowhere. His heart started to pound again. This had to be just some crazy dream, right? 

   "What I really, really need help with, is finding Spawny! He's got to be near, my sensors can sense where he is as I am connected to the SupaMerge." Beep-0 explained. "That kid is the creator of this world, so he has to have a way to get us out!"

   "You got to help me!" He'd say, panic in his voice.

   Cassie shot him a look of just confusion, and turned to look at Luke. 

   "Any idea of what a SupaMerge is?" She whispered to him, in which Luke shook his head. 

   Cassie sighed. This just felt like a dream. Luke should feel the same with a look on his face, right?

   "Listen buddy, what do we look like, superheroes?" She'd say in a edgy tone. "I don't think I want to risk my life, chasing around a kid with superpowers, in a world that might kill us!"

   Beep-0 was distraught as Cassie shoved him aside as she left the area. "I'll find my own way home!"

   Luke quickly followed, not wanting to be left with Beep-0. His legs were still shaking from the fall as he ran after Cassie. Personally, he thought that they might gain something from traveling with the AI, but to be honest? He just wanted to be with someone he at least knew.

   "Cassie?" He whispered as he caught up to his friend. "...what do we plan to do now?"

   She was quite before sighing. "I really...don't know. This is all probably just a dream I'm having in the middle of Mr. Jackson's class. I'll wake up, and school will be over!"

   "I don't really trust that-"

   A strange creature hit her face and flipped over her head before she could mention Beep-0. Cassie screamed, before turning hot with anger. A couple of strange looking people, three of them, laughed their heads off. Luke found them to be fascinating...did he know these people? They had multiple colored face paints that resembled lightning, ripped up clothes, ropes over their shoulders, and large thick yellow petals over their hairs. Another strange thing about them was that they wore headbands in the shape of rabbit ears.

   The one dressed in purple spoke up first. 

   "See my aim fellas? I'd be chucking those Kongos like their nothing!" He boasted.

   Cassie was red with rage, and next thing known, Purple got a good slap to the cheek.

   "You keep those damn Kongos, whatever they are, off of me!!" She shouted into his face.

    Purple seemed too dumbfounded from the slap to understand her, but when he did, he chuckled with malice. 

   "Cyan? Brown? Take a look at this lass. Got anger issues, do you?" He addressed the other two, who looked very similar just with cyan and brown colors. "Well princess, we own this world now! Can't do anything to stop us!"

   Cassie pushed Purple away from her, which caused him and the other cronies to pull out weapons of some sort, blasters out of wood? Luke was more entertained than scared at this point. Entertained enough to actually speak up.

   "What are you gonna do with those?" Curiosity was etched into his voice. "Do they...actually work?"

   Purple seemed surprised at his rather calm tone, unlike Cassie. Cassie would though, give Luke a look of angry confusion. 

   "Uh, well, it's a blaster! It shoots stuff....like-" Purple shot Brown in the back, causing him to fall over to his back. 

   "DUDE!?" Brown shouted. "That hurt! I'm about to be KO'd you know!"

   Seeing the pain in Brown's body language and hearing it in his voice was enough to set both of them into panic mode. 

   "So...yes. They do actually work!" Purple's tone was full of malice and sadistic joy. "Now you two better stay out of our way! Come on!"

   With a flick of the weapon, Purple ran off with his goons to follow. The two were too stunned to speak. Most at the confusion of the interaction, yet also the fact that these...perhaps classmates of theirs would freely want to hurt them? What would happen if they took too many shots from those dumb looking weapons? 

   The silence was interrupted by none other than Beep-0, who happened to catch up. Luke and Cassie turned around. They guessed they were actually glad to see him. The bot took a moment to assess the Kongo, a small monkey like creature with white and brown fur that tried to bite his foot, before turning his attention to the two.

   "What you guys just saw, was what my readings told me are Ziggies." Beep-0 explained.

   Luke looked behind him at the so called 'Ziggies'. Those rabbit ear headbands...did they have to do with Beep-0's own ear things? Cassie broke his thought process.

   "Ziggies?" She'd ask. "They look dumb."

   "Exactly." Beep-0 replied.

   Luke had the thought still on his mind, so he asked his question. "They wore rabbit ears, and you have those too. Is there a connection?"

   He didn't seem offended. "It must have to do something with the SupaMerge." He'd sigh. "Listen, you two. You are the only two in this area I am close to that are aware that this world is very much real. I need your help. I don't know what that bugged SupaMerge can do, but I sense it's dangerous." Beep-0 looked up at the two of them with a pleading gaze within his screen. "We got to do something!"

   Cassie and Luke took a moment to look towards each other, then at their surroundings. Luke could feel the air, the sweet breeze from the water, and the calm blue sky. The small Kongo was to hug Beep-0's leg.

   "This world...I don't think I could let whatever has manifested within that SupaMerge you speak of hurt it. Nor let it hurt anybody else sent here." Luke was to say, now confident with his words.

   Cassie smiled, as if knowing what Luke was going to say next. 

   "Okay, we'll help you. Tell us what to do."

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