9. Bella

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We entered the ballroom and I marvelled at the grandness of it. It was always lavish, but this time it was different. Maybe it was because I was on Alex's arm.

"You know, your parents seem awfully excited about this ball?" Alex leaned in to whisper to me.

"They met at this ball. Dad was staring creepily at her," He laughed.

"What a way to meet."

"Mhm. Ugh, I'll tell you what, I hate coming to these balls, they're full of men staring at me," Alex's face hardened as I pressed closer to him. I noticed one man in particular, his eyes burning into me. Alex sensed this and moved his arm around my waist.

"If you get uncomfortable, just tell me and I'll have them locked up for you to kill later," He winked at me, and I grinned back.

"Thank you." We sat down at our table and talked with people for a while. Alex didn't engage with the people coming to greet us, he was only my bodyguard. To them at least.

I had danced with too many people to count, and my feet were getting sore. I thought I had danced with the whole ballroom, when Alex stuck his hand out.

"Sorry princess, one last one," I rolled my eyes and took his hand, letting him lead me out to the dance floor. He placed one hand on my waist, one in my hand and I set my arm on his shoulder.

"Wow, you can dance. Without destroying my feet," I raised an eyebrow, earning a chuckle.

"Why are you so surprised? I told you I was a man of many talents," He smiled smugly, and turned me around. I giggled giddily.

We danced like that, talking and laughing, until the end of the song. I really enjoyed my time with Alex, but as we were going to sit down, a man stopped me.

"Well, hello pretty little girl." I tried to move past him.

"Sir, please go away," He didn't move. I pulled out my gun and cocked it, holding it against his forehead.

"Chill out baby girl, I just wanna dance," He looked at me creepily. I grabbed Alex's arm behind me.

"Nobody, nobody calls me baby girl and lives to tell the tale. Now move," I growled. He held up his hands, still not moving.

"Come on sweetheart," Alex reacted this time, grabbing his throat and smashing him against the wall.

"You can say hello to a cell, huh?" Alex threatened. Fear flashed across the guy's face, and I put my hand on Alex's shoulder before he killed him.

"Alex." He let go of the guy slightly. "It's ok. Can you take me home?"

"Of course baby," Dad's guards took the man and dragged him off. I knew he was a son of a bodyguard, just lucky to be there. I was glad it wasn't someone important enough to start a war.

"Bella! Bella! Are you alright?!" Mum came running over.

"Yes Mum, I'm fine. Alex is going to take me home now," She nodded and patted my cheek.

"I'll see you later," She kissed me and so did Dad.

"Why does she get to leave and I don't?" Emmy whined.

"Because she bought a date," Dad reminded him. Alex escorted me out by my shoulders and we walked down the street to the car.

"Alex, my feet hurt. I hate these heels," I whimpered. He stopped and bent down.

"You have a tattoo on your foot that says 'devil is my mother'?" He asked.

"My mother has a tattoo that says 'made in hell'" I explained. He undid my shoes and slid them gently off my feet.

My Princess (2nd Book in My Queen series)Where stories live. Discover now