Ethan responded firmly, "Yes, I have to break up with her. I'm just figuring out the right time."

Ava, her heart in ruins, stumbled away from her hiding spot. Her steps were shaky, her world spinning out of control. She needed to escape, to breathe, to find a way to stitch her broken heart back together. The night air was cold, but it was nothing compared to the icy grip of heartbreak clutching her soul.

As she re-entered the party, Amy approached her, eyes full of concern. "Ava, did you find Ethan?"

Ava choked back a sob, her world crumbling around her. "No, he's not outside," she managed to say, her voice a fragile thread. "Let's wait a bit longer."

Ava's tears were hidden behind a forced smile, but her heart was screaming, shattered by a truth too painful to bear.

Moments later, Ethan and Tony reentered the room, seemingly unperturbed by the earlier conversation. Ava hesitated, conflicted about approaching her fiancé; Ethan's hurtful words still echoed painfully in her mind. When his eyes found hers, she bit her lip, unsure how to mask her turmoil.

Jasmine's voice broke the tension. "Oh, finally the birthday boy is back! We've been waiting for you, dummy."

Ethan's laugh felt jarring to Ava. "Why?" he asked with feigned ignorance.

"It's time to blow out your birthday cake candles and make a wish!" Amy interjected cheerfully. "Ava, come over here! Ethan's back." Amy beckoned, and Ava, summoning every ounce of strength, stepped forward.

Tony and Carlson fetched the three-layered cake Ava had painstakingly baked. It was a stunning creation, each layer artfully adorned with delicate icing swirls and vibrant edible flowers, the top crowned with a shimmering 'Happy Birthday' topper. Ava stood by her parents, watching as her friends carefully placed the cake on the round table. But Ethan gently pulled her to his side, his grip firm yet tender.

As everyone sang 'Happy Birthday,' Ethan's hand held hers with a surprising intensity. Ava felt every eye on them, every note of the song amplifying her inner turmoil.

"Make a wish, son," Ethan's dad urged jovially.

Ethan turned to Ava, his gaze affectionate yet haunting. "Do I need to? I can't wish for anything more, now that I have you by my side," he declared, drawing cheers and playful jeers from their friends. Ava forced a smile, concealing the agony that Ethan's words inflicted.

After blowing out the candles and receiving a celebratory kiss on her head from Ethan, who whispered, "Thank you for this party, babe. I love you," Ava felt her heart fracture further. His caress, once tender, now felt like a cruel reminder of the truth she had overheard.

Unable to contain the flood of emotions, tears spilled down Ava's cheeks. Ethan's concern seemed genuine as he wiped them away, his touch inadvertently deepening her pain.

"Oh, baby, why are you crying?" His voice, soft and caring, was a stark contrast to his earlier confessions.

Ethan's mother cooed, "Aww, your fiancé clearly loves you so much, Ethan." The room filled with warm, affectionate murmurs, oblivious to Ava's internal struggle as Ethan held her, trying to comfort her.

It took a while, but Ava's tears eventually subsided. "I... I'm just overwhelmed with happiness being here with you..." she managed to say, her gaze locking with his. "I love you so much!" Her declaration was fervent, her embrace tighter than before, a desperate attempt to cling to a love that now felt as fragile as glass.

As Ava and Ethan embraced, the room hummed with the affectionate chatter of their friends and family. Gradually, attention shifted to the magnificent birthday cake that Ava had created. The guests marveled at its beauty, the intricate icing patterns and vibrant edible flowers drawing admiring comments.

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