
Start from the beginning

"I'm scared." I confess, finally having the guts to actually say it aloud. "I don't want to deal with another person like him. And even though these people are weird, I like it here. Kind of."

"You won't have to worry about that, not anymore. Not The Governor. Not Gareth. Not anyone like them. They aren't gonna exile my dad, I promise."

"Pinky promise?" I ask, poking my lip out playfully while holding out my pinky.

"Pinky promise." Carl scoffs and rolls his eyes at me before locking our pinkies and pecking the other end of his hand, sealing the deal. "Now, can we sleep or not?" He asks placing his hands back over my hips.

"Yeah." I murmur. "We can sleep."

Snuggling closer to him our chests touch, and while my arms are thrown around his neck, his are wrapped around my waist to pull me even closer. I flung a leg over his hip as we settle in; his hands slide up and down, up the sides of my body, then back to the lower part of my waist; a couple of times his hands slip down a bit lower. We finally found the perfect position to sleep in.

With our eyes locked, we can't help but to feel drawn to one another. Our eyes speak to each other, and they say the exact same thing-- kiss, kiss, kiss. But, Carl has other plans, and they were to tease. He leans in acting as if he was going to kiss me, only to caress our lips, teasingly, causing mine to pulse with need. I suppress a frustrated groan and harden my stare; and he smiles. Again, he leans in, this time his lips mesh with mine. I moan throatily and kiss back with just as much force. Our lips merged, smelting together like two magnets; there was nothing I want more than this— than him.


Unconsciously flinging my arm to the left side of the bed, I flinch awake when I feel nothing there; he's gone. I blink, fluttering my eyes open and glancing around to look for him, but he really is gone. With a long sigh I lazily throw my head down into my pillow.

After seconds of letting it sink in I scoff, a hint of bitterness scratching against the tip of my tongue as I did so, while sliding off my bed, heading for the closet after. I grab a jacket for the cold weather and leave my room.

"Hey, have you seen Glenn?" I ask while crossing paths with Kareem who's sitting on the couch with a book in his hands. "I have to talk to him about something." He shakes his head as I speak, causing me to sigh and move on. "Alright, well did you see Carl?"

"No." He mutters.

"Okay.. Well, are you going to that stupid meeting so you can tell me what'll happen to Rick?"

"No." Kareem mutters out, again.

"Alright.. Well, you just stay here then, I'll go and after I come back I'll check on you because you're acting all weird." I tell him while speed-walking pass him and out the house. "Bye!" I yell out, shutting the door.


Mumbled chatter of annoyance and worry, others just making conversation, filled the air as we waited— after waiting for nearly
a half an hour— for Rick to show up. The fire in front of us crackled, topping us off with more noise so that it isn't completely silent.

Rick hasn't shown up to his own meeting.

Speaking through our confusion for Rick's absence, Deanna announces, "We're going to start."

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now