"My lady!" Lady Min's maidservant came rushing into the hall, looking flustered and anxious.

"What is it?"

"The Old Madam is asking for everyone to gather at the front entrance. We've just received notice that... that young mistress Zi-ning has returned to the capital."

"What!" Meiyan leapt out of her seat, her eyes widening in disbelief. She turned to her mother. "Mother, how could she be back? Didn't Uncle—"

Lady Min quickly shushed her before she could reveal more than she should. Her eyes narrowed into menacing slits. "I'll find out what happened," she said. "But in the meantime, let us go to the entrance to welcome your sister back home, shall we?"


Zi-ning stared up at the familiar signboard hanging above her family home, polished and gleaming, oblivious to the rot that was hiding within those walls. It had been a long while since she left for Zhuiya, and later Anyang, but in the blink of an eye, she was back again. There were many who would be most displeased to see her return. Lifting the curtain of the carriage, she stepped out into the sunlight.

"Miss! You're finally home!" Hana and Shujin immediately rushed forward to help her alight.

She smiled, patting the two girls gently on the back of their hands. Then, she stepped past them and walked over to Old Madam Song, who was watching her with a smile on her wrinkled face and tears welling in her eyes.

"Grandmother, I have returned," she said, curtseying politely.

"Thank the heavens," the old lady replied, taking her hand. "How could you have gone away for so long? Don't you know how worried I've been?"

"I'm sorry for making you worry, Grandmother. After settling the situation at Zhuiya, I made a detour to Anyang to visit my brother at the border camp. Yongxing is well, and he sends his regards. He says he'll come back to visit once he can."

"Excellent, excellent," her grandmother replied, her smile stretching even further. "When he returns, we must discuss the possibility of him staying in the capital and taking on an official post here. The border is much too dangerous for the eldest son of our family."

Zi-ning looked past the old lady's shoulder, just in time to see Lady Min step across the threshold, accompanied by Meiyan. Her stepmother's expression darkened when she heard what Old Madam Song said about Yongxing. Zi-ning scoffed.

This time I won't let you hurt my brother. I won't let you hurt any of us.

"Zi-ning, we didn't expect you to arrive so soon," Lady Min said, plastering a fake smile on her face.

"I'd already sent word that I would be returning today, didn't I? Unless the message didn't reach you?" Zi-ning said coolly.

"You should curtsey to the princess and greet her as 'Your Highness'!" a shrill voice suddenly barked from the side. It belonged to a lady-in-waiting from the palace that had joined the entourage when they entered the capital, sent to accompany the gifts that the king had bestowed upon Zi-ning for her service at Zhuiya.

Lady Min startled, appalled at the stern rebuke. The lady-in-waiting had not said a word to Old Madam Song because of the old lady's seniority, but the same treatment did not apply to Lady Min. Even though Zi-ning was only a princess of the third rank, it was still far higher in status than Lady Min.

Meiyan stepped forward, her delicate face flushed with indignation. "How dare you speak to my mother like this, don't you know—"


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