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News of Zi-ning's departure brought mixed reactions to the Han household.

On the morning that she was due to leave for Zhuiya, Old Madam Sun was beyond herself with grief, tears streaking down her wrinkled face as she held onto her granddaughter's hands to bid her farewell. Behind the old lady, Lady Min dabbed her handkerchief to the corners of her eyes, pretending to be tearful when she was anything but. Meiyan wore an indifferent expression on her face, though every so often her rouge-tinted lips would curl slightly into a smile. Minister Han had not even bothered to show up, having entered the palace before daybreak to attend court, although he had stopped by Zi-ning's quarters the previous night to admonish her for volunteering for such a stupid mission.

In her father's callous words, she had "thrown away the perfectly good chance of becoming crown princess and instead opted for a certain death instead." She was certain that after she was gone, Meiyan's star would rise again since she would regain her position as the minister's only valuable daughter. It would only be a temporary respite though—and when she returned, Zi-ning would make sure that Meiyan fell from heaven to the depths of hell.

"Is Prince Zhiren's carriage not here yet?" the shrill voice belonging to Lady Wan echoed towards the front gates. She came sashaying over with Meisi trailing behind, wearing the vibrant red of a girl about to be married. Whether by coincidence or intention, Situ Zhiren had also declared that today would be the day he was leaving Huangcheng to return to Wulihe, which meant that Meisi was also leaving the Han household today.

The old madam frowned. "What are you doing! Don't you know that consorts are not allowed to wear red?" she scolded.

According to protocol, only the official wife was allowed to don red wedding robes, while concubines and consorts could only wear pink. Red was a symbol of status, that Han Meisi certainly did not have.

"Why not? Meisi is marrying to Hua, so surely there's no need to abide by our customs. Didn't you see all the Hua officials wearing red? It's obviously their kingdom's colour, so Meisi is merely trying to fit in," Lady Wan retorted.

Meisi lifted the veil that was draped over her head, glancing snootily in Zi-ning's direction. "Fare you well, Sister," she said. "I doubt we'll be meeting each other again after today."

"Perhaps. May the gods protect on your journey to Hua," Zi-ning replied.

Meisi scoffed. "I don't need their protection. I'll be riding with the prince's entourage, so what danger could possibly befall me along the way? Can't say the same for you though. I don't understand why anyone would dive headfirst into a plague zone. Are you so eager to die?"

No, I'm not. I want to live, and I want everyone I love to live too.

To Meisi, Zi-ning merely smiled and shook her head. Turning to her grandmother, she said, "Don't worry, Grandmother. I shall look after myself while I am at Zhuiya. When my task is complete, I will return to the capital immediately."

"Zi-ning," a voice called out.

Crown Prince Ru-quan was riding towards them on top of his brown stallion, accompanied by his brothers Ru-an and Ru-wen. When he reached the gates of the Han manor, he quickly leapt off his horse, rushing over to Zi-ning.

"Your Highnesses," everyone greeted.

Zi-ning noticed the streak of jealousy that appeared in Meiyan, Meisi and their mothers' eyes when they saw the princes arrive, but she could not care less.

The crown prince grabbed hold of her hands, anxiety etched upon his still-haggard face. "You don't have to go. I'll help you plead with Father again, I'm sure he will come around. It's enough to send the imperial physicians over. What more could you possibly help them with? You're only a girl!" he exclaimed.

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