Oc Bio: Information

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Hello readers and welcome to the newest edition to my page! With some of the previous stories on my page getting closer to being caught up to the original materials, I thought I'd get some more stories started to try to fill in those spots.

Yu-Gi-Oh has been a part of my childhood for a long time, I've been watching it since it's been on the Saturday morning cartoon lineup when I was a kid. And I've been a big fan of the game.

Just wanted to give you all a run-down of what this story will be. I am only going to cover the classic series, primarily due to it being the only series that was fully completed. I am also going with English dub dialogs in the story for nostalgia purposes, also minor swearing will be mixed in, the main group is all in high-school so it shouldn't be surprising. And finally, I will be try my best to keep up with the rules, especially when it comes to Duelist Kingdom where the rules were very strange to understand.

(Here are the OC's... I will be having two of them in this one, one boy and one girl, I can barely find any male oc stories for Yu-Gi-Oh on here so I wanted to change that. -- -- -- Along with that, I will be having my characters face off against other made up characters throughout the series, but there's no reason to go too deep into their details.)

1.) Jason (Duelist Kingdom Outfit)

) Jason (Duelist Kingdom Outfit)

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Age: 15

Hair color: Gray

Eye color: Light green

Height: 5'11

Deck: Dragon/???
*My OC's decks will changed as the series progresses. They will switch to use their second deck for the remainder of the series once Battle City starts.*

Bio: Jason was one of Yugi's first friends before Tea, Joey and Tristan. He mostly keeps to himself about his past and likes making jokes with Joey and Tristan. He holds the highest respect for Solomon Muto who taught Jason all he knows about Duel Monsters and sees the gameshop owner as a father figure.


2.) Amikou (Duelist Kingdom Outfit)

) Amikou (Duelist Kingdom Outfit)

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Age: 15

Hair color: Dark brown

Eye color: Blue

Height: 5'5

Deck: Spellcaster-fairy/???

Bio: Amikou kept to herself mostly throughout her early school life, she found it easier to avoid unwanted attention. She doesn't like talking about her family to others due to personal reasons. It wasn't until recently in her high-school years is when she became close to Yugi and his friends, slowly breaking out of her shell around the group.


With the addition of these OC'S, I'm sure you all can tell that things will change throughout the story. Such as some canon events which may not seem to be very impactful, will be altered. First chapter will be published by the end of the week.

-Let the journey begin.....

Yu-Gi-Oh: It's Time To Duel!!! (OC Story)Where stories live. Discover now