I gripped the countertop and held my own stare, forcing a look of determination to my face.

"You got this, Mari," I asserted.

I repeated it a couple of times, coercing myself into believing it when I realized the bath was about to overfill. I quickly rushed over and turned off the water as it neared the edge of the tub. I had to drain a little bit of it since it would definitely overflow if I tried to get in. There I was again causing trouble while I was lost in my own world.

I peeled off my clothes and stepped into the bath, letting the water overtake me up to my nose. Because our bathtub was on the smaller side, some of my skin was left exposed as it lifted above the water. Most days I would complain, but I couldn't bring myself to.

I stayed like that until my skin became wrinkly. Reaching for the soap, I washed my body clean and then did the same with my hair. When I was done, I waited for the water to drain before I used the edge of the tub to lift myself onto the rough tiled floor.

There was a white robe I hadn't noticed before hung on the bathroom door. The soft material felt like a cloud on my skin as I pulled it over my shoulders and tied it together. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it tightly around my hair. When I stepped into the room, Alana and my sisters were chatting quietly on the bottom of the bed, and I immediately spotted the familiar black silky bag that contained my dress towards the top.

"I almost thought you drowned," Alana addressed me as soon as she sensed my presence, grabbing the attention of the other two.

"Wouldn't you like that," I muttered under my breath.

She pretended not to hear me, standing up and patting the spot she just occupied. I sat down warily, eyeing the hair equipment on my left side. I was absolutely terrified thinking of Alana combing my hair.

Millie, who sat in front of me, watched me in amusement as I pleaded for her help with my eyes. She chuckled quietly and handed me a small mug.

"It's still warm. I made it with extra honey." She patted my cheek and stood to her feet.

I sighed in relief as she and Alana swapped places, Millie gently starting on my hair. I wasn't tender-headed, but I didn't take Alana to care about my pain and I trusted Millie would do a great job. She was always better at doing her own than I ever was.

Alana sat a small cream pouch on the bed beside us and unzipped it, pulling out a few objects I had only seen in some of the rooms I cleaned.

"You don't need much, but a little makeup won't hurt," Alana mumbled.

"Can I watch?" Rae wondered, pulling herself up to her knees behind Alana.

"Sure, but stay still. You're making me shake."

It didn't take very long for Alana to finish. She only plucked my eyebrows a little bit, curled my lashes, and applied a small amount of lip gloss. She was going to apply mascara but she said I cried too much and hers wasn't waterproof. Sometimes, I really hated her brutal honesty.

"I'll be back in an hour," Alana informed me, standing up from my bed," We'll be a little late, but no one important comes until later."

I was about to nod, but Millie stopped me, so she wouldn't burn me with the curling iron. I settled for a little wave as she closed the door behind her and I saw my sisters visibly relax. I understood the feeling. I was like that at first, too.

When Millie was finally finished, I carefully slipped into my dress, partly scared I would mess it up. With my luck, I would ruin it moments before I needed to leave.

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