Chapter 11 - You've Done a Stellar Job at Procreating

Start from the beginning

Finally, I stepped out of the car, taking Victor’s extended hand and let him dragged me inside the freaking Rockefeller Taj Mahal.

Victor ran the door bell and of course, a butler opened the front door for us. “Young Master Rockefeller” he nodded his head at him, like seriously for a second I thought he would actually freaking curtsy, “if you’ll follow me.”

Still holding my hand, Victor dragged me in the house, following the old butler. “Young Mater Rockefeller? Seriously?” I hissed beside him. Victor just shrugged like it was nothing. “I’m so calling you this in bed now,” I mumbled. This time I got a snort. I tugged on his hand. “Oh and I’m disappointed. You guys couldn’t go the extra mile and hire Michael Caine to be your butler? This is a serious let down.”

Victor squeezed my hand lightly and whispered against my hair, “Calm down.”

I backed up from him a bit, looking in his eyes. “Oh I’m calm. This is calm.” I made a big circling motion around my chest. “Trust me, me not calm,” I shook my head, making a face, “you don’t want to see that.”

“Sure, that’s why you keep babbling,” he told me and rolled his eyes.

I looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Huh, I kind of always babble. Have you just met me?”

He grinned at me. “Whatever you want to believe to help you calm down.”

I would have kept on arguing with the smug bastard but we were just walking in what appeared to be a living room or tea time room. I didn’t really know, and I didn’t really care. What I cared about was the two people sitting in the room—Victor’s parents.

“Master Rockefeller, your son and his party have arrived,” the butler announced as we walked in the room.

Seriously? Master? Have we gone back to the deep South in the eighteen hundreds? “I wasn’t aware this was a party. I would have dressed differently if I had known. I might have actually put panties on,” I whispered to Victor as his parents got up to greet us.

Victor just looked at me with big eyes, silently telling me to shut the hell up. Maybe I should reassure him and tell him I was wearing panties. I wasn’t going to give my full faith to that tampon I was wearing to not stain that nice dress I was wearing.

“Miss Wisher, it’s nice to finally meet you,” his father said, offering me his hand.

I shook it, smiling. “Likewise.” I kept from staring at Victor and screaming “HA! SEE! I can be civilized.”

His mother gave me a very light hug, like the kind of hug you’d give to someone you didn’t want to really touch. “Danika,” she just said. I mean, she didn’t look mean or anything. I don’t think that was the point. I think it was just the fact that these kind of people didn’t take physical contact lightly.

Looking at his parents, I could definitely see the family resemblance between them and their son. He had his mother tanned skin and dark hair. He seemed to have her easy smile too. And he had the shape and stature and posture of his father, the kind that asked for respect.

Speaking of his father, he motioned for us to sit on one of the couch and I let Victor tow me behind him.

“Dinner should be served shortly. Care for a drink while we wait?”

I almost yelled “YOUR MOST EXPENSIVE BOTTLE OF SCOTCH! All of it,” but kept myself in line and instead asked for whatever they were having.

As their butler started to work on that drink, Victor’s parents went back to their respective seats. Looking my way, his father started the conversation, “So, my son tells me you’re in between jobs at the moment.”

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