Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 — by sleepingdraco 

Phili followed Hana down a narrow corridor to examine their new purchase which sat nearly ready for take-off

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Phili followed Hana down a narrow corridor to examine their new purchase which sat nearly ready for take-off. As they reached the entry to the cavernous hangar, Hana stopped abruptly and Phili ran into her.

"You have got to be kidding me," grumbled Hana.

"What?" asked Phili, peering over her shoulder.

"Who paints a spaceship pink?" asked Hana. "That's the stupidest looking transport I've ever seen."

"Well, it is named the Strawberry Mollusk," Phili pointed out. He took in the pink expanse of metal before him. "It looks like a well-built ship, and I rather think the color suits it."

"Whatever," said Hanna.

The two began to walk alongside the outside of the Strawberry Mollusk examining the craftsmanship. Various bots, droids, and automated machines buzzed around in what looked like orchestrated unison, adding fuel, putting supplies on board, and checking the various mechanical parts of the habitat ring and central core.

The lead ground control android came up to them.

"Hello, Captain Reyna," said the android. "My crew reports they are finished refueling and placing the supplies you ordered on your ship."

Captain!, thought Hana. I like the way that sounds. She heard Phili snicker in response and frowned.

The android continued, "I'm pleased to report they were able to locate the pickled piri fruit you requested."

"Piri fruit?" asked Phili, perplexed. "Why did you order pickled piri fruit?"

Hana ignored Phili and gave the ground control android a gracious smile. "Thank you," she said sweetly. "I really appreciate it. I've just been able to think of nothing else I want to eat more since I got pregnant."

The android said nothing in reply.

"He's clearly not programmed to understand the finer social graces of pleasing a pregnant lady," whispered Phili into Hana's ear. She swatted him away from her ear with one hand.

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