"You are new here so I will give you your one and only warning. If I ever see you talking to one of the Kings again, your dead. You will keep your distance and don't even rhink of sitting near them again. Understood?" She asks.

"Y-yes...b-but..." I start when she interrupts me.

"BUT WHAT BITCH?" she yells and I flinch.

"I-I have a-a group a-assignment with t-two o-of t-them." I explaine to her.

"It doesn't matter if you have an assignment with them. You will go to the teacher and ask for you to be in another group. If you don't , you'll regret it slut." With that they left the room. 

Why does this happen to me? Why are they so mean? I didn't even wanted to go to school or talk to them. Great. And Helios made it clear that he expects me to sit beside him. What am I going to do? These girls are definitly more scarry than the boys, but I don't think it would be smart to mess with either of them.

I wipe away my tears and blow my nose before I go to my next class.


Lunchtime has arrived and Nico and I sit at one table and eat or lunch. I am not really hungry after the incident in the bathroom and only play with the food on my plate.

"What is wronge love?" I hear Nico asking with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Nothing." I respond and continue to play with my food.

"It is not nothing, your so quiet and your not eating. Tell me, I don't want you to feel bad." He says this time his voice sound a bit harsher.

"Just a headache, I can't concentrate and I am just not hungry." I lie to him avoiding to look in his eyes. 

"Okay, maybe you should go home and rest." he suggest.

He is so sweet. What have I done to deserve someone like him?

"No, It's okay. There is only one class left. It will be alright." I assure him, still not looking in his eyes. I don't eant my dad to worry.

"But you will tell me if it gets worse alright?" 

I nod. Not wanting to talk about it anymore, I change the subject.

"How is the group asignment with Noah?"

His eyes lit up immediately and he starts talking about Noah. They are perfect together. 

When both of us were done with lunch, we head to our art class which we luckily have together.


I am already in my bed when I get a message on my phone. I take the phone and see that the message from Astraeus. 


Why did you look so sad when we had art?

Astraeus was also in my art class and luckily I could avoid him. But What should I do now. I am pretty good at hiding my emotions, so I thought. And why does he care? He can't care if those girls find out that I have their numbers I am dead. Panick rises in me again of the thought of those girls.

 What should I answer him? It would be rude not to answer. But what if does girls find out?

In the end I decided to answer him.


I wasn't sad. Why do you think I was?

I answer him not wanting anybody finding out about whst the girls did. I hope taht will be enough for him. A few minutes later I get anew message.


Don't lie to me, Αγαπημένος. You also kept avoiding me.

Why doesn't he give up I obviously don't want to tell him. 


I just had a headache and didn't want to go home.


If you say so. I hope you feel better soon. Goodnight, Αγαπημένος.



After that I fell asleep.


(A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Also soon it's christmas, happy first advent. I am so excited, it's my favorite holiday)

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