Ethan, Jack, and Claire: Ooh.

Hannah laughs.

Jack: What a shame. 24-hour room service.

Ethan: Chauffeured cars.

Jack: Fat expense account.

Ethan: And he's getting soft in his old age.

Jack: Yeah, he is. Look at him.

They all laugh.

Jim: Okay, listen. If that list gets out into the open, the names of our agents in every country in Eastern Europe will be up for grabs to the highest bidders. Third world terrorists, arms dealers, drug lords, any and everybody who'd like to get rid of long-term coverts like us. If they're exposed, they'll be executed. So, I'll run the whole show from the crow's nest here. Everyone knows their roles. Let's punch out the details.

Cut to some time later, where we see the agents going over the details of the mission.

Sarah wears a pair of glasses and Jack explains them. He points at the bridge.

Jack: There's a camera built right into the bridge. Whatever you see, it sees, and then it transmits it back here.

He points at a monitor that shows the feed from the glasses.

Jack: See?

He holds up his wrist and there's a small device strapped on it like a watch. He holds it close to his mouth.

Jack: (Whispers) Can you hear me?

Sarah: Of course I can hear you.

Jack: (Normal tone) No, no, in your, uh... Oh, you need an earpiece.

He picks an earpiece up off the table. Sarah takes it and places it in her ear.

Jack: (Whispers into the wrist device) You have lovely eyes. Can you hear me now?

Sarah smiles.

Sarah: Loud and clear.

Jim shows a map of the area the team is operating in to Claire and Hannah.

Jim: If he has a car waiting, and he rolls, you stay with him no matter what. You should take the afternoon, drive the streets around this little quarter. They're confusing as hell.

Claire: Mmm. What do you think I've been doing all morning?

Jim and Claire sit watching something on a computer. Ethan stands behind them.

Ethan: We're using Waltzer?

Jim: He's our guy.

Ethan: Isn't he chairing the armed services hearing?

Jim: Not this week. This week, he's flyfishing at the Oughterard Slough in County Kildare with one of our best Irish guides.

Ethan starts laughing.

Claire: Yep. And he won't be back on anytime soon.

Claire smiles.

Waltzer: (On computer) ...irrelevant at best or unconstitutional at worst.

Interviewer: With all due respect, Senator, it sounds as if you want to lead the kind of change that Senator Frank Church led in the 1970's and in the process destroy the intelligence capability of this country.

Waltzer: No, John. I want to know who these people are and how they're spendin' our taxpayers' money. We were livin' in a democracy the last time I checked.

Jack shows Ethan a piece of gum that has a red side and a green side.

Jack: Stick of gum, right?

Ethan: No?

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