And bile rose in her gut as it all clicked together. The massive change in his attitude after that year, and why his whole countenance changed after that one year.

"It latched onto him," she spoke before she looked up towards the portrait, who nodded sadly, confirming her theory.

"Yes, it did."



Crovus found himself sitting in the court chambers once again, yet the eyes trained on him felt different than before. The skepticism that had followed his claims was gone, replaced by a sense of intrigue and apprehension, as Daphne stood up from her seat and came to the center of the court.

"What happened after that night?" she questioned him, and he looked up at her as she gave him a nod. He sighed as he recalled just how it all had begun.

"After that night, in the chamber, things changed," he began as he was reminded of the various dreams that would plague him for years. Dreams that could shake up even a full-grown man with their cruelty and depravity.

"Dreams and visions plagued my sleep, and I felt myself change. Magic came easier to me, like I was simply revisiting an old muscle memory. I hadn't thought much of the dreams until one day, I recognized them for what they were," he said, lamenting the fact.

"And what were they?" Daphne questioned.

"They were memories, more specifically Voldemort's memories," and he heard the court gasp at his words.

"I was alarmed and disgusted. It was as if I was still under his control. I tried potions and other spells, yet the dreams didn't stop. I lived through his life, watching him commit atrocity after atrocity, until one day, I recognized a very specific face in those dreams," and his breath hitched as he was reminded of that painful memory of finding out about the truth about his mother.

"And who was that?" asked Daphne, already knowing the answer to her question.

"It was none other than Bellatrix Black, my mother," Crovus finished and saw Daphne looking at her with pity in her eyes. It was the day he had begun to hate the man and had decided that he would put an end to the bastard himself.

"And what exactly did you see?" questioned Daphne.



Severus Snape sat in his office looking at the final exam of a certain student from his second year. A student for whom he was growing more and more concerned with each passing day.

Crovus Lestrange had changed a lot over the year after falling prey to the Dark Lord's remnant last year. The boy had always been quiet and reclusive, with only the younger Greengrass keeping her company. Yet, with her leaving the school due to her health, the boy had become more reclusive than before.

Yet that wasn't the only change. He hadn't missed the dark circles under his eyes or the shift in the boy's gaze. He had become thin and had been growing more and more pale over the year. He had tried to bring it up to Narcissa, and she had told him that he was having trouble sleeping, but Snape had a suspicion that it wasn't so simple.

Though Narcissa had been worried about Crovus as well, telling him about how Crovus had been adamant about seeing his mother in prison for some reason. He had never spoken about her previously, yet for some reason, he had been adamant about this over the winter holidays and had forced Lucius to arrange a visit.

However, he could intervene much, given that the boy's grades had been anything but exceptional over the whole year. He had outstripped his peers by miles, and every time he saw him wield that yew wand, it reminded him of the Dark Lord himself.

HP: The Last Death Eater Trial (OC son of Bellatrix)Where stories live. Discover now