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Once Upon a Time, long ago up in the most highest mountains that could almost touch the stars.

There in the mountains lived the fearing yetis and snake lambs, with the innocent creatures living among them in fear for their lives.

The yetis and snake lambs brought chaos to the beauty and the giving life that made it so beautiful.

One night, as everyone sleeped the little creatures dreamed of a helping hand.

On that night, a bright star from the sky with the many others answered their dreams.

How lovely, of course, making the yetis and snake lambs along with the creatures into spectacular life.

But even with this new change, some were furious and kept with their rage and powerful hunger of chaos.

While the others give thank you and want to make a change and grow for the star that given them their new spectacular dream wishes.

Now as we must cover great information about this tale of our story.

When they evolve as part of their dreams, their dreams become a small crystal size that you could hold upon your hand. It is given to your first heart desiring dream.

Every single one who does can be reminded of their dream, on what will become or will soon become for the good or worse. It will never be undone unless you switch your dreams, of course, to someone or break it.

The ones who stayed bad broke theirs, not believing or wanting some silly thing. They choose what they want and have it their way. Making what they want in their own selfish needs of their own dark desires.

One day, a yeti chief named Akio, who was alone from his kingdom not to find love. But he soon enough found a little yeti darling in the snow downhill in the mountain where his kingdom was built.

Finding the little one dear mother deceased in her cold arms.

Chief Akio grieved the child's loss, but he picked himself up and decided to raise the little one as his own. Naming her Light Skies.

Raising her till a dream came as a one of a kind, a destiny of pure heroic.

A dream that shows she will become the yeti who will save all. Her destiny. But is it truly her own destiny? Her true heart desire?


Big Dreams and Chaos

Big Dreams and ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now