Chapter 1

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It was a rather grim day, thick grey clouds hung low in the darkened sky and freezing rain hurled down towards the ground relentlessly. Kurami trudged to the hokage's tower wearily, finally having finished with her five year mission. The village was silent, almost lifeless; no one was on the streets due to the bad weather. Normally, Kurami would feel happy to be back in her home village, but now, how could she when the people she loved were dead? Her heart felt heavy and tears pricked her eyes as memories of her family flooded her mind. Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, and her adopted father. Kushina Uzumaki, the Red Hot Habanero, and her adopted mother. Both were killed in the Kyuubi attack five years ago, having given their lives to stop the nine-tailed beast from destroying Konoha.     

Kurami knew that the two were obviously not her real parents, but she loved them just as much, maybe even more. Her real parents, Takeshi and Kumori Akuma, were murdered, along with the rest of the Akuma clan, leaving Kurami as the sole survivor and the last of her clan, at just five years old. The murderer was never found and the case had been closed as there was no evidence at all to keep it open. Due to the fact that her parents were the clan heads, Kurami was now also the heir of the Akuma clan. It was a lonely and depressing period of her life after the massacre; living by herself, supporting herself, comforting herself and surviving by herself. Her life was like that for two years since she refused to live in the orphanage after a month where she was beaten and starved by the woman who ran it. Kurami almost gave up, but then she met them, Minato and Kushina. They took her in, adopted her, cared for her, comforted her and loved her as their own daughter, and for that, she would be eternally grateful. To Kurami, Minato and Kushina were her parents, her family; it didn't matter to her that they weren't blood related. She loved them and they loved her, that was all there was to it.

However, just like her real parents, they too, were snatched from her, and now she was all alone again. Kurami missed them so much; their warm smiles, their loving hugs and their tender kisses. It destroyed her when she found out that they died. It was like the massacre of her clan all over again. To make things worse, the last time Kurami saw her parents, her mother was pregnant. She was going to have a younger sibling, but even that was taken from her. Life was cruel, Kurami had learnt that lesson, and she doubted she would be forgetting it any time soon.

Thunder rumbled threateningly overhead, snapping her out of her thoughts. A glance at the sky warned Kurami of the oncoming storm, and she picked up her pace. Soon enough, she reached the tower and let herself in. Walking over to the receptionist at the desk, she gave the woman her information. "My name's Kurami Akuma Namikaze, 18 years old, jounin and I've just completed my mission. I'm here to report in to the Hokage."

The receptionist, a young woman in her mid-twenties, with chestnut brown hair and aqua blue eyes, looked through the record book of long term missions and, after a few seconds, nodded. "The Hokage is free so you can go right up, sweetheart." She smiled and gestured towards the stairs.

Kurami bowed her head in thanks and made her way up the flight of long, winding stairs tiredly. She reached a wooden door and politely knocked three times. "Come in," an old but warm voice answered.

A rare smile spread across Kurami's lips, but was gone as fast as it had appeared, when she heard the familiar voice and she reached out to open the door. Stepping into the cosy office, she was met with the sight of the third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, poring over some documents. "Hey there grandpa, did you miss me?"

Startled, the Hokage's head snapped up. "Kurami, is that you?" He questioned after studying her, disbelievingly. "My, you've grown up into a beautiful woman."

She gave him a small smile and went to hug him. "Thank you, grandpa."

After their reunion they got straight down to business. "So my child, I see you have completed your mission. How was it? Did you achieve everything you set out to do?" The third asked.

Kurami replied. "It was great grandpa and yes, I have done everything you have asked. Don't worry, there are no more rebels, I personally took care of them." Her eyes flashed darkly before lightening as she continued. "I've learnt so much and have definitely gotten stronger; I believe that I am on par with the legendary sannin."

The Hokage's eyes widened. "Goodness me." He breathed. "You've certainly exceeded my expectations, dear child."

Kurami laughed at his shocked expression. "Grandpa, I was a jounin when I left, I could only have improved since then."

The third nodded. "That is true, I will update your rank later after testing you. Well my child, I am pleased with your astounding progress, but it begs the question, what are you going to do now?"

Kurami's smile disappeared. "I don't know grandpa; I guess I'll just continue protecting Konoha like I always have."

The Hokage frowned thoughtfully. "I know you do not wish to become Hokage which is why I have not named you as my successor. You don't wish to take on a team because you are afraid that they may die," Kurami flinched, "and you don't interact and make friends with others for the same reason. My child, you must let go of the past. You could be a legend, no, you are a legend."

Kurami's head lowered and shadows covered her eyes. "Grandpa, what is the point of interacting and making friends with others, only to lose them? What is the point in caring and getting attached when you know it's only going to hurt you in the end? What is the point of doing more when there is no reason to? What's the point of becoming a legend when there is no one precious to me to go to such lengths for? WHAT'S THE POINT, GRANDPA?" Her hands slammed onto the desk as she stood up, tears streaming down her face and pain reflecting off her beautiful, amethyst purple eyes.

The old man sighed. "Child, I cannot answer that, only you can once you have truly searched within yourself for what you are missing. Now that you're here, there is something I must tell you which I suspect might help."

Kurami slowly sat down.

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