Caspian paled and pressed his fingers to his lips. "I did not say that."

"But you did." A slow grin spread across her face. "What is it you don't like, Your Highness? Is it their hairy ten legs, or their three eyes? I think they're quite adorable!"

"Of course you would, Reject," he sneered. "Monsters like to stick together, after all."

Diya said nothing, but dropped into a low bow. I am the thing that monsters fear.

Caspian sniffed and gripped his cane tighter. "Anyways, there was another reason I forced myself to speak with you. You have been frequenting the Capital a lot, have you not?"

"Yes, Second Prince. I go to–"

Caspian flicked his wrist as if he was swatting away a fly. A slight breeze rustled the stagnant air at the movement. "I do not care for the reason. Have you managed to get anything else on the drug?"

A week after the trial, the Emperor placed Diya, Sebastian, and Caspian in charge of the mysterious drug case- now dubbed as Wrymdust- in order to prepare the princes for their future responsibilities. Diya was tasked with gathering information, as the boys would be recognised too easily.

"But won't people recognise you as the previous daughter of the Elshers?" Sebastian had said, face scrunched up in slight worry.

Diya had smiled and gave a delicate shrug. "Don't worry, Your Highness. People pay more attention to my right wrist than my face."

"I have not received any more useful intel." Diya sighed, pressing her fingers against her forehead to push back a headache.

She hadn't had the chance to meet with Eirian- not when security had become thrice as tight after Kyler's little stunt. But through some bribery of crows with the softest white bread of the palace, Diya was able to get a message to them. However, it had been a week with no response.

"Well, I have." Caspian looked proud and pushed past Diya, leaning more heavily on his cane than usual. "Follow me, Necromancer. I have summoned a council- you could learn a few useful things from there if you pay attention, though I know how difficult it is for you."

Diya resisted the urge to make a rude gesture at his back, not wishing her middle finger to be cut off as a price for treason. "Actually, I already had a prior engagement, Your Highness–"

"Cancel it." Caspian cast a haughty look over his shoulder, a sneer curling his upper lip. "I'm sure even you would agree that the fate of the Empire is more important than your appointment."

I wouldn't be so sure of that. Diya kept her smile plastered on her face. After all, it's the only thing stopping me from snapping your neck you ungrateful little–

"Diya?" Sebastian's brows furrowed in confusion. "I thought you had somewhere to be?"

"His Highness, the Second Prince claimed he had more pressing matters that required my attention." Diya dropped into a low bow and murmured the customary greeting to the Emperor and Crown Prince.

"Why have you summoned us here, Second Prince?" Duke Greishen called, giving a stiff nod to Diya. "Is everything okay?"

Although he was known as a benevolent man, he still harboured some lingering prejudices against Diya- not that she could blame him. Didn't mean she had to like him.

Diya took her usual place by Sebastian's right-hand side and scanned the seven other people present: the Emperor, the Crown Prince, the Second Prince, the Duke- who was considered the only powerful person the Imperials could trust- and three other nameless faces.

It did not escape Diya's notice that she was the only woman present. Gazes raked over her body and clung on like leeches as some ducked their heads together to whisper. She was too far away to hear their words, but could guess their meaning.

Sebastian's jaw clenched and he rose, gripping the hilt of his sword, but was strapped to the chair by a shadow. Before he could voice his displeasure, his brother called for attention.

"I have called you today because I received an anonymous tip about Wrymdust." Caspian levelled everyone's gaze and took a deep breath. "I have reason to believe that the demons are behind this."

That's a lie. Diya wanted to scream, but managed to keep her cool as the discussions proceeded. A sharp pain erupted in her chest, right where her heart was, and shadows surged from under the furniture to surround her, which she stomped out with a whispered apology.

"To be clear, I think there is one particular demon who caused this destruction," Caspian continued with a sombre look. "This fits the usual motive, style, and even the ruthlessness displayed."

"Who do you think it is?" Diya spoke up, unable to stop the words from leaving her mouth.

For once, Caspian didn't look at her like she was a bug he would squish with his ridiculously expensive shoe. He took a deep breath. "I think Princess Eris of the Demon Realm is responsible."

Well shit. 


Welcome back everyone!

I hope you guys liked it!

Stay safe and thanks for reading :)

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