Chapter 21

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3rd P

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3rd P.O.V

"Good afternoon princess"

"Bad afternoon cuz i have to see your face again after a big fight with you." Huijin snarled getting into his car, putting on her seatbelt before Mark stepped onto the gas driving towards his house which was well 30 mins away.

"Geez calm down woman im here to apologise okay." She gasped when she heard Mark is about to apologise to her for something he had done.

"Is Mark Lee finally apologising to me!? To Suh Huijin!? Im flattered and serves you right for not beliving me shithead." Slapping his arm, wincing after slapping his arm too hard.

"Shut up and we're here dumbass lets go"

"Damn you drive so fast-"

"And you drive too slow for my liking so come along little one we dont want any pervert kidnapping whats mine so get in princess or should i just carry you inside?" Huijin quickly gets inside his house with a burning face. FIREE

"Cute" he whispered, chuckling after.

"Okay so what should we do? Since you force me to go here and im not gonna do some shit thats boring as fuck so cmon Lee."

"First of all i did not force you to come here, i just asked if you wanted to hang out and second of all, we're playing minecraft and also watch a movie, romance- so shush im trying to make up for what i have done."

"Geez calm down Canadian rapper, you dont have to show off your skills to me. But anyways lets go!! Minecraft rocks!!"

Mark was nervous as fuck as he stared at his soulmate getting comfortable on the couch. He had prepared all the things hes about to spill later when theyre playing minecraft and also watch those romance movies the boys had recommended. The boys helped him did everything including the minecraft thingy Jisung had explained when they were out to buy things fpr their soulmates and the prom of course.

He went to sit next to Huijin with his heart beating an erratic speed of a cheetah because he looks like one but anyways he shakily took the controller and opened the game minecraft which immediately showed them the proposal.


"So uhm yeah- uhh- i know its kinda weird of me to ask you to prom because i kinda hated you before and i dated that bitch that cheated on me and-"

"Okay shut up shithead- so you did all of this by yourself?"

He shook his head, "uhm n-no the boys helped me with this and its kinda Jisung's idea to do this kind of proposal and the girls helped me find some good movies to watch with you so yeah."

The proposal was cute as fuck, Jisung had put a lot of effort designing and building the big ass 'will you go to prom with me?' sign with Mark's big face which reminds them of Josh Hutcherson's whistle video edit.

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