chapter 7: arc 2

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"As reckless as ever, who even told you to shoulder throw the kid?"

A shrug, "No one."

A sigh, "Show off."

Artesiam lies on the clinic bed as two individuals exchange insults, one of whom is the person who threw her over her shoulder, Baeyen or something similar. She's a stunning bitch with a smug personality.

Much to her dismay, it appears she's fine. However, on the bright side, it's fortunate since she doesn't wish to endure a slow, painful death.

"Well, she required at least two days to recover from the physical pain. I managed to heal the cracked rib, but the bodily discomfort persists."

Also, it seems that in the place where she was reincarnated, magic and superpowers exist. It's still unsettling, but after witnessing this person's healing abilities Artesiam had no choice but to believe.

Baeyen had to slash her wrist, draw blood, expose a bone, and so forth, and then this other woman simply closed the open wound without any physical action, except for her palm hovering near Baeyen's wrist.

Yen was on the verge of arguing but the doctor beat her to it.

"And that means the training will be on hold until she gets better. Do whatever you want with the other candidates, just leave her out of your training," the doctor stated firmly.

Yen pouted exaggeratedly, resembling a duck. "Aww-Don't you trust me? I don't overdo-"

"Here," the woman interrupted, turning her back to Yen and visibly ignoring her words, "take this when the pain becomes unbearable. It's a pain reliever." She handed Artesiam a small plastic jar.

"Also, my name is Ide. You can call me Doc Ide." The woman, Ide, gave her a warm smile. Artesiam averted her gaze with a scowl, not accustomed to experiencing warmth again.

It pained her heart physically. She didn't like it; she had grown accustomed to feeling nothing.

"You can trust her to be on your aid-" Yen interjected, but was once again interrupted by Ide.

"Obviously, I'm a doctor in the MEDEP [Medical Department], I specialize in operations; I'm a surgeon. Nice to meet you, Artesiam."

[Ide, 29; General Surgeon in Medical Department Unit Five.]

Ide offered her hand for a handshake, but it only deepened Artesiam's scowl.

"Fuck. Whatever," Artesiam muttered, then turned her back and wrapped herself in the blanket.

Ide's eyebrows arched, brushing off the rebellious attitude. Teenagers, as always. She withdrew her hand, slipping it into her lab coat pocket.

"She's still a bit shaken," Yen whispered behind her. "The kid attempted suicide, you know. Then suddenly, boom, she's in Iceland, alive."

Ide sighed, turning to face Yen. "Yeah..." She hesitated to ask something she had been curious about since hearing about Artesiam's arrival. But she decided against it. "Okay. I'm going to return to my unit. Take care of her."

How messed up must the world be for a kid to want to end her own life?

"Take care? Isn't that your job?" Yen attempted to joke after Ide left the room, the air conditioner filling the silence. She sighed, sitting on a chair beside the bed where Artesiam lay.

"Hey," Yen chimed, lightly poking the bundle of blankets. "Are you asleep, kiddo?"

"Don't call me kiddo," she grumbled, sounding as petulant as a child.

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