Chapter 10

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I sat on the roof looking out across the compound the night air on my skin, after Jet had all but scalded the three of us in the gym, I tried to avoid Bucky and Steve, I didn't want to talk to them, and I couldn't find Jet not that I had looked very hard.

'If I need anything I'll come to you.' Her words floated through my brain, I sighed heavily, Bucky had let her believe it was his rule, so many things were going through my brain. I was starting to feel like I didn't have any time for anything.

"Hey." I closed my eyes for a second before opening them and looking at Bucky as he walked over and sat down next to me. I wanted to crawl into his arms and kiss him hard, I wanted him to make me forget everything. "No."

"What?" I asked frowning at him.

"That look on your face, it's not happening. Not tonight anyway." He said grinning at me, something moved inside me at the anticipation of feeling his touch again.

"Come on Buck, you know you want to." I said my voice dropping a few octaves trying to seduce him.

"I'm not going to deny I want to take you right here and now, but I think you need to find Jet and spend some time with her." I rolled my eyes at him and looked back to the ground.

"You heard her, she'll come to me if she needs anything." I said a little anger seeping through, I knew she was right though, I had been treating her like a child, but it wasn't intentional I just wanted her safe and it translated itself into treating her like a small child unable to make decisions for herself.

"Aura, you know she didn't mean it like that, and I know her little speech was more for you and Steve." Bucky said nudging my leg with his, I dropped my head forward into my hands.

"She's mad at you for the rule, which by the way you didn't need to cover for me." I replied rubbing my eyes as I was feeling tired.

"It doesn't matter if she's mad at me, I can handle it." He said simply just accepting the anger that came with her, I guess I was kind of thankful she hadn't found her butterfly knife otherwise she would probably have thrown it at him earlier.

"It's not right though, I'm the one who came up with it." I groaned taking my hands away from my face. "I just wanted her to be safe."

"Aura, relax. It's okay." Bucky insisted as we fell into silence, I sneezed making Bucky start laughing.

"What?" I asked rubbing my nose.

"That's the most normal thing I've heard come from you." He said grinning I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Buck." We both turned to see Steve walking up, everything in me told me to panic because he was up here instead of with Jet.

"Steve." Buck acknowledged; I gave him a half smile as he sat down on the other side of me.

"Rora." I said looking away from them and down to the ground as I saw Sam and Scott walking around.

"What?" Steve asked looking confused, I patted his knee.

"Shrek reference." I said still watching as Thor walked out to join them, I couldn't hear what they were talking about, so I was trying to work out what they were doing.

"What the hell are they doing?" Bucky asked just as confused as I was. I stood up as I saw Jet walk out after them, her black hair flowing in the wind as she broke out into a run after Scott as Sam's laugh reached us. Steve reached up and took my hand, I looked away from the scene below to Steve's hand.

"It's okay, I think I understand." He said his hand falling from mine, I slowly sat back down.

"Why does it feel like I've lost her?" I asked softly as Thor grabbed Jet around the waist and spun her around in circles.

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