Chapter 6

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"No one, and I mean no one is to know about this." I said pulling my shirt down and looking at Bucky over my shoulder, he looked up as he pulled his pants up.

"If it means we can do that again, I'm more than happy to sneak around with you in the dark." He grinned making me roll my eyes and turn away from him.

"I'm going to check on Jet, don't follow me." I said walking to the door, I turned around to see he was right behind me. "That sounded harsh, I didn't mean it that way."

"It's okay darlin' I know what you meant." He chuckled leaning down and kissing my forehead before slipping past me and making his way down the hall, I stood listening to his footsteps retreat and a door close. I took a deep breath counted to five and then walked out of my room closing the door softly behind me, I contemplated just going and grabbing some stuff for Jet, but I didn't want to bring her the wrong things.

"I'll come back after I ask her what clothes she wants." I mumbled to myself as I let go of the door handle and headed towards the recovery room only stopping in the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, I hesitated for a second and thought about grabbing her one but surely Tony wouldn't leave her in the room without sending food or drink. I left the second bottle in the fridge, I needed to make a note to find where the bottles were kept, Jet didn't like her bottled water cold but that's all they had here, and I didn't find any when I raided the place.

By the time I had reached the room Jet was in, I had downed half the bottle, I should have grabbed the second bottle more for myself than for Jet. I frowned almost dropping the bottle as I tried to put the lid on, "Mother-" I stopped and looked around in case Steve was lurking ready to pop out and say language.

I walked the rest of the way without touching anymore water after almost dropping the bottle, I wasn't about to actually drop it. I slowly approached the open door listening but there were no sounds from the tv or from the occupants talking. I stopped at the door and looked at the bed to see Steve was stretched out, one arm behind his head and the other around Jet as she used his chest as a pillow, he was half under the blanket with her leg over his and the blanket clutched in her fist under her chin. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and took a sneaky photo of them, it was cute and she looked at peace. A weird sense of anger washed over me, I half frowned trying to figure out what the feeling was, it was something new and if it was aimed at my best friend, I didn't want it.

I looked up as sound came from the bed to see Steve slowly opening his eyes and looking at me, a small smile spread across his face, the weird feeling disappeared as I smiled back at him, i held my finger to my lips and looked at Jet. I slowly stepped into the room and made my way to stand next to him, a small frown flashed across Jets face, her hand gripped his shirt tight but suddenly she relaxed and a small sigh fell from her.

"How is she?" I whispered looking from Jet back to Steve, he sighed softly as he looked up from her.

"She's stubborn." He half smiled, "She's strong and puts up a good front of being okay but I think she does it for our benefit, so we don't worry so much. You both do, but for the most part she's good, doesn't want pity though." He said softly moving his hand up and down her back.

"I get that, I don't pity her I don't think anyone does. I'm just worried and riddled with guilt." I put my water bottle down on the table that was next to the bed as Steve yawned.

"Don't, I know how it feels trust me, I feel guilty as heck too but right now all that matters is that she's safe, you both are." I sighed knowing he was right, but I couldn't let go, there was a reason behind this, and I needed to find out what it was. It wasn't just Hydra trying to get their research back. I had a feeling I would get answers from Fury.

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