Chapter 8

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Sunlight hit my closed eyelids pulling me from the darkness of my sleep, I stretched out throwing my hands up I froze as Bucky groaned next to me, I pulled my hand away from him as he rolled on his side facing away from me. I bit my lip trying to stop myself from laughing as I sat up feeling stiff and thoroughly satisfied from the previous night. It had started out well then went to shit and then got really fucking good again.

I slipped out from under the blanket and off the bed as I reached down to grab my clothes, I was thankful in our haste to fuck our clothes had come off and were dumped on the side I had occupied, I frowned looking around the room for the one piece of clothing I was missing. I gave up looking for them and pulled my leggings on and pulling my long hair out of my shirt as I looked around Bucky's room, it looked like just another guest room, there were no elements to the room that suggested it was Bucky's other than his clothes. I turned away from the naked man in the bed and left his room.

I reached the end of the hall and stood between my door and Jet's, I wanted to go in and check on her but I smelt like sweat and sex, last thing I wanted was Jet to pick up on it and ask questions. I turned to walk into my room but stopped, there was no noise coming from her room, maybe she was still asleep? I sighed and turned away from my door slowly pushing hers open, I stepped into the room and looked at the bed. Steve was asleep in what looked like his favourite position with one hand up behind his head, Jet was curled up next to him, her head on his chest and her hand holding onto his shirt, his other arm wrapped around her his hand resting on her waist, her leg was over his and her long black hair fanned out behind her across the pillow left unoccupied.

I stood leaning against the wall watching them sleep, I sighed softly wondering what it would be like to have that. To just be at peace. How different would it be to be in Steve's arms? Bucky, how to explain James Buchanan Barnes? He wasn't cold, being in his arms brought a sense of calm but it didn't silence everything like Steve seemed to do for Jet. I held my breath as Jet sighed and rolled on her side her back against Steve, as soon as she seemed comfortable I slowly let out the breath I had been holding, a second later Steve followed her. His arms pulling her into him as his body curled around her small frame, a small smile came to my face. They were too cute, they seemed like Ying and Yang, her black hair and hazel eyes, him with his blue eyes and blond hair. I shook my head a little pushing away little blond and hazel eyed children away from my thoughts, I wouldn't put that on Jet, I wouldn't burden her with what I could never have.

After another minute of watching Jet sleep, I left her room and took a hot shower trying to relax my muscles, after I got out feeling refreshed and clean I headed to the kitchen to make breakfast for Jet and Steve. I was starting to realise the only way to show him my appreciation for what he's able to do for Jet was to feed him.

"Morning kid." I looked up from buttering toast to see tony walk into the kitchen.

"Hey Tony, I hope you don't mind I was just making breakfast for Jet and Steve." I answered ignoring him calling me kid.

"I'm only here for coffee, I have somethings to work on in the lab." He said waving a hand at me not caring about the food. "Would you like to join me?" he glanced up at me as he poured the black liquid into a mug.

"Yeah, sure but-"

"Don't worry about the food, I'll have it taken to them." He said walking out of the kitchen, I nodded and followed him, I wasn't sure if it was curiosity to see where he made his suits or because he asked me to join him. It was going to work out since there were a few things I wanted to talk to him about anyway.

I looked around the lab in wonder as we entered, Jet would be in her element in here, the many toasters and microwaves we had gone through would have been safe if she had a place like this. I sat down in a chair next to tony as he fiddled around on a computer, I didn't try to understand anything he was talking about when he spoke to Friday.

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