1. / The Polus Crew

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He wakes up and finds himself tucked in a medical bed. He's also surrounded by a blue curtain, and on his left lies a few more medical beds.

He's shivering, but he tries not to let that bother him.

Grabbing the blanket off him, he immediately notices his olive body covered with multiple bandages. He's slightly concerned for himself, but he quickly disregards it.

He was about to try to sit up a mere moment later, but then the blue curtains suddenly open, revealing a tan crewmate with a stethoscope resting on his head currently fixating on his notepad.

Tearing his gaze away from the notepad, the tan crewmate looks toward Forte and realizes that he has woken up and his visor lights up from the sight.

"Oh, you're awake!" he says towards Forte in the medical bed, Forte tries to sit up to get a better look but the crewmate puts a hand down his chest, signaling him to stay still.

"Don't move just yet, you are really injured. It might hurt."

"Oh." Forte replies back.

"Like, seriously-" the crewmate cuts his own sentence off to grab a small medicine bottle out of a medical kit on the nearby table. "What even happened? You were covered with cuts and scrapes, and not to mention you fainted earlier." he continues.

"Well," Forte starts, but his mind seems to blank again. He tries to recall where he got his scrapes from, but he can't remember any memories. "I- I.. d-don't.. remember." he admits, his speech stuttering from the cold.

The crewmate lets out a sigh. He opens the medicine bottle up and grabs a swab, quickly dipping it in the bottle which gets the viscous medicine on it before continuing to talk. "I'm Tan by the way. The crew's doctor." he approaches Forte with the swab on hand, intending to rub his cuts and scrapes with it. "This may sting a little."

Tan rubs the medicine onto one of the scrapes near his chest, and it causes a groan from Forte. The pain quickly subsides though, and Tan grabs a band-aid and gently places it on where the scrape was. Forte looks at the bandage and can't help but feel fond of this tenderness and care he is receiving.

"Now normally, I'd scan you but..." Tan scratches his head. "Our medbay scanner isn't working right now, so it's currently getting fixed up by our engineer, Green."

"I heard my name!" another voice booms out, and Forte turns his head to the new crewmate who came out of the blue curtains. He is waving at Forte while carrying a wrench, and it takes a moment for him to notice that he's still carrying it so he just drops it out of sight somewhere. However, Forte is stunned to see that they had the same color as his old color. He feels like he's seen him before though.

"My actual name is actually Fortegreen, but the crew just usually calls me Green." Green introduces himself to the newcomer. "As you heard, I'm the engineer of this place!"

"Yeah, he- wait!" Tan speaks up but immediately stops, he looks towards Forte and asks, "We haven't gotten your name yet so... if we may, what is it?"

"Ah, r-right. It's F- Olive. It's Ol-Olive." he almost blurts out his real name for a second, but the stutter naturally covers it up. He decided to use the name Olive, as he thought that it made more sense with his new color.

"Well Olive, I'll be your doctor for a while." Tan states then he looks down to his notepad "You aren't really fully well yet."

"Oh, actually, I'm supposed to be fixing something.. I'll be right over in the scanner if you guys need me for anything!" Green says before quickly leaving.

A few moments after that, Tan grabs the swab and medicine bottle again, dipping the swab inside. "I'm still not done, so I hope you don't mind me continuing." he says, getting the swab out and looking at it visor level to see if the medicine was sufficient.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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