Faces From The Past

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 The first day of senior year.

 This year was going to be perfect. I'll get good grades, hang out with friends, try out some sports, maybe, and even go out to clubs. I'll be in the teacher's good books, submit my homework on time, and I'll try my best in cheerleading practice. I'll put a smile on my face, and I'll leave the past behind me. I was going to make this year count. Maybe, just maybe, I'll even get a boyfriend. Though my seventh grade year still haunts me, I think this year might just be the one. I'll finally move on.

 I look in my mirror. I've had a huge glow up since I moved to New York in eighth grade. I got rid of my acne, my glasses and the braces. I changed up my hairstyle, and sun dyed the tips a lighter red. I even had curves, now. I brushed my fiery locks out, before heading down the stairs and bidding farewell to my mom. I grabbed my bag and stepped out the door, towards what could possibly be the best year of school.

 This was my year. Or at least, I sure as hell hoped so.


 Alicante High School was the most prestigious school in the city, for the best of the best. I was lucky I managed to get a spot. The place screamed money. The fanciest cafeterias, amazing gymnasiums, even air conditioned class rooms. I was here on a scholarship. Mom's been struggling with money ever since my father died. I help out as much as I can. After school, I work at a café. We would never be able to afford this school. 

 I run my hand along the walls, and breathe in the familiar sage and lemon grass smell. Though the lessons were stressful, and I had piles of homework, I loved my school. I made a few friends here, Simon Lewis and Maia Roberts. Maia is extremely pretty, with sun kissed skin and curly chocolate hair that falls to her shoulders. She's dating this guy, Jordan, who is part of the Foot ball team. Simon, on the other hand, is more like me, introverted. We hang out a lot, watching Star Wars, or doing homework. Reminds me of the times I spent with Jace and Isabelle.

  I run to my locker, and grab my history textbook. I had received a softcopy of my schedule a few days ago. With only a few minutes left before class, I scramble to find my classroom.


 Eventually, I do find the classroom, and I rush inside. I realize someone's sitting in my usual seat, at the back, so I take the seat in front. That's when the History teacher strides in. He sets his binders on the oak wood desk and faces us.

 "My name is Alaric Saltzman. I will be your History teacher for this year. We have a new student, as part of the Student Exchange Program, SEP, this year.  Please introduce yourself Mr. Lightwood,"

 The chair behind me is pushed back, metal scraping wood. I'm frozen in my seat.

 Mr. Lightwood? No. No, it can't be him. There must be a lot of people with their last name as 'Lightwood.' It can't be Jace. It just couldn't. 

 My hopes were crushed as a clear, mellow voice, filled the room. I once loved to hear the sound of his voice, of his laugh, like music in a jar. But now the mere sound made my stomach turn and twist in unnatural ways. It was Jace. Jace Lightwood. My sworn enemy.

 "I'm Jace, but you probably already know that. I am fine with being referred to as hot, or handsome too," He called out. Arrogant asshole. I shake my head a bit, clearing out my thoughts. I wondered if I should risk it and look behind. After contemplation, I decided to go with it.

 I swiveled back. Jace was slumped in his chair, obviously not paying attention. His golden curls had grown out a bit, covering the back of his neck, framing his chiseled face. His honey brown eyes were half closed, and his mouth was pulled into the same familiar smirk I used to adore. He had changed a lot over the past few years, and I couldn't help but realize how infuriatingly hot he was. One thing's for sure thought. Dating him would be the last thing I'd ever do.

 I realize that I've been staring, and look up, meeting his glance. He looks back at me with an amused smirk, but a sort of unfamiliarity hangs in the air. He doesn't remember me. I cant help but feel a pang of sadness shoot through my heart, but it wasn't like I expected him to. Besides, I looked way different from the old Clary.

 I turned my gaze back to the teacher, but I could feel Jace's eyes burning holes into my soul. I ignored him, but he eventually spoke to me. "You look familiar," He drawled. I tensed. No, no he couldn't recognize me. I wouldn't allow it. I ignored him, and kept my head down. My piercing emerald eyes, or my splatter of freckles could give me away. 

 When the bell rang, I grabbed my bag and dashed out of the room, away from Jace and the troubles he brought with him. 


 The cafeteria in our school was a large room, with food stalls and tables. I slipped into the seat at my usual table, and soon, Maia, Jordan, and Simon joined me. 

 "Did you see the new students?" Maia asked. "They look like super models!" 

 Jordan's face contorted in what must be jealousy.

 "What, Jace Lightwood?" I asked.

 "Yes, and his adoptive siblings, Alexander and Isabelle. She's cute," Simon replied.

 Wait. Alec and Izzy were here too? I dismiss Simon's confession of Izzy's cuteness as I look around the cafeteria, hoping to spot the olive skinned girl, or her almost look alike brother.

 My stomach growled. I look down at my wallet, which consisted of a few dollars. My mother had been managing money pretty well, but I still needed to save up as much as I could. I guess sparing a few dollars to get an apple couldn't hurt.

 Sighing, I get up from the plastic benches and head over to the fruits stall. With an exchange of a few cents, I now have an apple in my hand. I begin to stride over to my table, lost in thought.

 It's been so long since I'd seen Izzy, Jace or Alec. I'd lost touch with Izzy, Alec and I were never that close, and I wanted to forget about Jace. I wondered if Izzy would still remember me. I was her best friend since first grade. Her home was like a second home to me. We would give each other makeovers, prank the boys, I'd help her with homework, she'd help me stand up for myself. She was confident, and arrogant, and sly. But she was also kind, amazing, smart. We knew each other so well. But, I'm not so sure about that anymore. I didn't know her. It's been years since I last saw her. And here she was, right now, in the same school as me.

 I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking, and bumped into someone. "Aah!" a familiar voice screeched.

 Izzy. Speak of the devil.

 I look down. She was carrying a tray, laden with food, which was now spilt on her leather jacket and my yellow tank top. Some guy came to help Izzy up. I realized it was Alec. He was way taller, and muscular, than his middle school self. His eyes, though, were the same brightest blue, so bright they glowed. Jace came rushing to help Alec get Izzy up. He barely spared me a glance, but Alec's eyes were fixed on me, in some familiar, knowing away. I stared back, unaware of what to do. He left helping Izzy to Jace as he kneeled down, his face inches to mine. I darted away, and got to my feet. Away from all the attention I was getting, what  with spilt food all over me, and the way Izzy was glaring at me, I sprinted to the bathroom. Locking the door to my stall, I slumped against the door, and let the tears flow out. 

 Izzy didn't remember me. Some best friend she was. And Alec. Now Alec knew. He was going to tell Jace and Izzy, no doubt. Jace was going to torment me all over again. My apple was gone, and my shirt was ruined. My life was ruined. I'm not even exaggerating at this point.

Jace Lightwood was back. And with him came my past.


Hi! So, how was it? Too cliché? I'm not sure exactly how I got this idea... Maybe from another fanfic? Idk. To all those Clace shippers out there, strap your seatbelt on, this is gonna be a loooooong ride. The character casting is based on the episodes. Vote, Comment and have fun reading! (Yes, I will hopefully update "Torn Between Two Worlds" soon)


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