Ice cream

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It had been a week since I last saw Becky. I mean partly because I'm always inside the house so yeah.

However, today on a Saturday afternoon I felt the edge of reading my book in the tulip garden where there is a beautiful view of my favourite flowers.

I took my book, went outside, settled on a garden bench, and began writing.

Not even ten minutes had passed when I felt someone sitting next to me. Averting my attention from the book towards that someone, I saw no other than Becky smiling at me.

Am not gonna lie I kind of missed her so seeing her next to me made me very excited but I still kept my signature nonchalant expression 

"Hi fancy seeing you here," she said looking very excited.

I rolled my eyes and continued reading my book. However, it looked like she didn't get the message as she came close to me, removed the book from my hands, and locked eyes with me.

Staring at those my brown orbs just sent current down my spine. It seemed as if the world was at a standstill just the two of us looking at each other.

At that moment I prayed to the gods that Becky wouldn't recognize my irregular heartbeat, it was like I had palpitations but I was just weak at the power only her eyes had to hold my heart captive.

I don't know how long we stayed in that mode but soon our trance was broken by fluffy barking. It looked like even Becky was in her own world as she got frightened by Fluff's barking as she dropped the book on my lap.

We both looked over at Fluffy trying to find the reason why disturbed our eye contact but none just wanting attention. 

She wiggled her tail and spun around in circles while barking, she seemed very excited.

Seeing this Becky laughed, god when I say that laugh had started to be my weakness I wasn't lying. I just wanted to spend my entire life listening to those cute giggles and laughs. 

I didn't even notice myself smiling, for the first time after Dad died, I smiled only because of my neighbour's laugh, oh no am dead.

"Oh my god she smiles," Beck said, shit I got caught

I immediately frowned and looked the other way trying to suppress my now-filled with crimson face.

My stubborn Becky turned my head around, back to her, and placed both her hands on my cheeks sending me into another blushing state. Guys her face being close to mine just felt great and perfect that I found myself blushing.

"Your face is so red are you ok" she said in a teasing tone

I removed her face from her grasp and playfully hit her hands and she laughed.

"come let's go get some ice cream it must be the heat" she giggled standing up.

I looked at her but didn't stand thinking she was just joking but she grabbed my right hand and pulled me to stand which I did.



When our hands met, I looked at our connected hands and then back to her, but she was looking at her house not me making me see her gorgeous side view.

After a few seconds, she looked back at me and said

"You go tell your mom and I will tell mine, meet me outside in 5 ok" I nodded and she ungrasped our hands. I was a little sad but I just brushed it off and went inside the house.

I ran to my room to change my hood and sweatpants to a more lively outfit.

It took me a minute to find the perfect one but I chose to go with blue jeans and, a white shirt and let my hair down.

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