Chapter One: First Off

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Grover walked kinda funny because of a muscular disease in his legs, like every step kinda hurt. He had curly brown hair and brown eyes, and always looked nervous. I've seen people bully him. Then me, Percy, and Annabeth nearly skinned them alive. No one messed with Grover after that.

Annabeth has blonde, curly hair, like a princess's, and grey, stormy eyes that look like she's analyzing exactly how to take you down it a fight. I'm the only one she ever seems stumped by for some reason. She also has a grey streak in her hair, and an ever so slightly tired look on her face. I don't think anyone has ever noticed but me, Percy, and Grover, because she seemed shocked when I asked if she was okay on the first day of school.

She's incredibly smart and is in honor classes with me. She's also the only friend of mine that loves reading as much as I do. One time we stayed up all night talking, rereading the books, and reading and writing fanfics in an empty bedroom, screaming "THE FEELS!!!" Kristiana not thrilled by us, but it's not our fault that the sound-proof walls weren't working! Hailey just walks in, throws her pillow at us, and leaves. Except when we're talking about Harry Potter. Then she's just as loud as us, if not, louder.

Percy has messy black hair that reminds me of Harry Potter. He also has green eyes, but not Avada Kedavra green (bright green), but more like the ocean. They kinda look muddy though whenever we're near one of the two rivers that surround Manhattan Island. He's really tan and muscular, but I don't know how people are interested.

    He's obviously dating Annabeth! (But they won't admit it) He also has that grey streak in his hair and tired look, the same as Annabeth. It seems like no one ever notices it on either of them, because they were both surprised by the fact that I actually payed attention to them and asked if they were okay.

The only thing that they all have in common is the massive amount of scars. And no one ever says anything! What happened to them? I noticed it on the first day, and pulled them all aside soon after meeting them to ask if they were okay. The fact that I even saw the scars was surprising to them, and then they were shocked again that I even remembered or cared! What happened to these people? Why do they think that no one notices or cares about their scars? Clearly they'd hurt!

We became close after I asked. No one else really liked them, but I say being weird is something to be proud of. They also think it's funny how I insult in Latin. Percy laughed so loudly when they first heard me say an insult, but I hadn't told them that was a thing I did yet. Then he whispered in my ear exactly what I'd said in English! Finally! Someone who understands my insults! Not that I want the recipient to understand, of course. He promised not to tell anyone. "Good." (Mr. Bruner a.k.a. Chiron taught him Latin at Yancy)

We had a break for a holiday that I don't remember. It was such a hectic day, week. Month, really. Heck, I can't even tell you the date. We had Friday of that week off, and Monday of the next, as well as a half day that Thursday.

On that half day of school, we bolted out the door. Don't get me wrong, I love school! Me and Annabeth! But I couldn't wait to flee the imbeciles that are my classmates. We went to our apartment to dump our bags and get changed, Percy, Annabeth and Grover not included in that category.

I turned the keys to our apartment, my five friends following behind. Kristiana, Hailey and I, quite literally, threw our backpack into a closet and slammed the door. Annabeth, Grover and Percy dropped theirs just outside the door, so they could grab them when we came back and they left for the Jackson-Blofis apartment.

    "You know," I said as we walked to my mini library, a small bedroom that I filled with shelving, a couple comfy chairs, and books. Many, many books. There was a cushioned ledge near the wide window, that me and Annabeth have spent countless hours reading in together.

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