Chapter Three: Rescue The Huttlet

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The Transport that Revan and Ahsoka are on lands by Venator cruiser, Master Yoda, Anakin and Obi-Wan are waiting for them. Revan and Ahsoka get of the Transport and walk over.

Revan: Master Yoda, glad to see you bring the reinforcements here.

Yoda: Trouble, you have, with your new Padawan, I hear.

Obi-Wan: I was explaining the situation to Master Yoda.

Revan: Really?

Yoda: If not ready for a Padawan, you are, then perhaps, Obi-Wan, we can...

Revan: Hold on, wait a minute. I admit, I wasn't prepared to have a Padawan yet. But, after going out on this mission... I think I'm ready for this. And, with a great deal of training, and patience... she might amount to something.

Yoda: Then go with you and Skywalker, she will, to the Teth system.

Anakin: Teth? That's Wild Space. The droid army isn't even in that sector.

Yoda: Kidnapped, Jabba the Hutt's son has been.

Anakin: You want us to rescue Jabba's son?

Obi-Wan: Anakin, we'll need the Hutts' allegiance to give us an advantage over Dooku.

Yoda: Negotiate the treaty with Jabba, Obi-Wan will. Find the renegades that hold Jabba's son, your mission will be, Skywalker, Revan.

Ahsoka: Come on, Master, it doesn't sound that hard. I'll find Rex and Wolffe and get the troops organized.

Ahsoka runs off to find Rex and Wolffe, Revan has a sense of worry, about having a Padawan.

Obi-Wan: Don't worry, Revan. Just teach her everything you know, you and she'll turn out fine.

Revan: You know, something makes me think this was your idea from the start.

Anakin: Oh, it definitely was, see the look on his face. 

Revan and Anakin are walking off, and get on a transport ship. 


Revan and Anakin are making their way to Assault Ship, followed by R2 and BD, that returned from scouting. Two clone scouts exit the ship, and are confronted by Revan and Anakin.

Anakin: Lieutenant, did the kidnappers see you?

Clone Lieutenant: No, sir. We're the best scouts in the regiment.

Revan: What about the bounty hunters? Are they still down there?

Clone Lieutenant: I don't think so. We haven't seen them in a while.

Anakin: Well, what are we up against?

Clone Lieutenant: Looks like at least two droid battalions protecting a monastery. It's heavily fortified, sir, you won't be able to land there.

Revan: Alright. Good work, gentlemen. Get some rest, you've earned it.

Anakin and Revan leave to find the rest of their troops. They see their troops surrounding Ahsoka, as she tells her story about what happened on Christophsis.

Clone: That sounds like a lot, even for a Jedi.

Clone #2: I heard you were surrounded by droids. How did you ever get the shield down?

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