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"The audacity!" Ao shouted out, "Konoha steal one of our legendary swords and then offer it to us as if a gift!"

Sakura didn't react harshly, instead remaining calm as she replied. "It is my understanding that the killer of a swordsman gains the right to their sword."

"That tradition was abolished when I became Mizukage," Mei spoke dangerously low, "the choice of who receives which blade is a power of the Mizukage."

"It is lucky that Kubikiribocho's owner was defeated around two years ago, then," Sakura revealed with a smirk. "Momochi Zabuza was killed in the Land of Waves, a battle with one Hatake Kakashi."

The lie was a small one, but Sakura hoped it didn't come through in her speech. Kakashi had not killed the demon, but it had been a mob of Gato's men.

"Why then, is it you personally offering me this blade?" Mei's eyes narrowed. "If Hatake Kakashi is the rightful owner."

"I was his student," Sakura said simply, resisting the urge to sigh at the word.

"I see," Mei's face calmed slightly. "If I refuse, I am correct to assume you will not hand over the blade calmly?"

"The blade is mine," Sakura nodded. "If my offer is denied, I will be leaving Kirigakure with it strapped to my back."

"I am correct to assume you are Haruno Sakura, yes?" The woman asked a moment later, and Sakura's smirk turned wild. Being recognised by a Kage not her own was not something she expected, but it felt empowering for whatever reason.

What came next made her burst out in a quiet chuckle.

The blue haired boy acting as bodyguard to Mei had remained silent for the most part, but upon hearing her name his eyes widened and he shouted out.

"The one who fought the Tsuchikage?!" Chojuro blurted out.

"I didn't think I was so famous," Sakura laughed a little. "But yes, that is me."

"They do call you 'Haruno Sakura of the Broken Scales', you know?" Masato muttered behind her and her laughter became slightly louder.

"I didn't realise I got a nickname, too," she mumbled amusedly. "A shame it's based on that rotting old man's, though."

Mei coughed then, and Sakura snapped her attention to the woman. The Mizukage thankfully didn't seem particularly annoyed by her less than professional demeanor.

"I think I have made my decision," Mei announced. "Kirigakure agrees to the terms of your Hokage's agreement, as well as the agreement of Haruno Sakura."

Sakura nodded and slid the Kubikiribocho forwards slightly.

"I'm glad you made that decision," Sakura smiled. "I look forward to working with your shinobi."


"Shit, Kakuzu, look!" Hidan hissed as he glanced down from his perch in the trees. They had been tasked with such a boring job, looking out for the Sanbi after it's Jinchuriki's death.

But the group of six shinobi running across the ground beneath them made it significantly more interesting.

Kakuzu glanced down in response and Hidan saw his eyes widen a fraction.

"They are not our target," Kakuzu mentioned calmly, but his interest was not lost.

"I don't want you to involve yourself in this, anyway," Hidan cackled quietly, scratching idly at his neck. "This is a personal matter."

Space to Breathe - [ Sakura Haruno ]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu