01; An evening of nostalgia

14 3 6

'Hello' = thinking
"Hello" = speaking

3rd POV:

'Finally I can go home' Kira thought with an exasperated huff as she made her way to get her stuff and leave.

She slowly made her way to get her bag and put her punch card into the a lot to sign herself out. Grabbing her bag Kira scuffled her way into the elevator and pressing lobby.

Exhaustion evident on her features she leaned against the wall slightly nodding off as the elevator made its way to the lobby. Coming to a complete stop Kira makes her way out of the elevator and to the front desk.

"I'm going to head out now, I'll see you Wednesday." Kira spoke as she softly tapped the desk as she walked past.

"Alright I'll see you Wednesday dear, have a good rest of your week Kira." Eleanor said as she waved to Kira as she trudged out the door with her hands in her pockets, making Kira smile almost unnoticed if you didn't look close enough.

Kira always like the sweet old lady, she was soft spoken and always so kind to everyone. But most importantly she was always so gentle toward her and always calling her endearing names, every time putting a almost unnoticeable smile on the young woman's face.

With a small smile on her face Kira walked out and dug through her bag and fished out her keys and made her way out to the parking lot.

'I wonder what I should have for supper? Wait.... would it be supper or breakfast for me? Too hungry and tired to care.' Kira thought as she softly hummed a song that had been stuck in her head for the past few days.

Making her way through the parking lot and to her car she unlocked the door and hopped in and started the car.

Plugging her phone into the aux and clicking on her playlist and playing start and backing out of her parking space as music plays in the background.

As Kira makes her way home she takes a peak at the time while at a stop light, reading the screen it displays the time '2:48 am' sighing Kira thinks 'what should I do now that I have three days off from work?'

Making a right towards the street where her apartment was located Kira figured she could watch some shows before going to bed.

Pulling up into the tenants parking lot and finding a free space Kira got out of her car, locking it behind her and making her way towards the apartment complex.

Putting the pin to open the door and walking inside the building she makes her way to the elevator. Stepping inside the elevator she presses the button for the fifth floor.

Stepping outside the elevator Kira makes her way to her apartment, digging her apartment key out of her bag she unlocks her door and walks in. Hanging her keys by the door she takes her shoes off and places her bag on the table.

Walking to her room Kira grabs a change of clothes and makes her way to the bathroom. Placing her clothes on the bathroom counter, she bends down and grabs a towel from the cupboard and places it beside her clothes.

Opening the shower curtains she turns on the shower and adjusts the water to her liking. Closing the shower curtains she gets undressed and jumps in the shower.


Getting out of the shower Kira dries herself off and changes into the clothes she grabbed earlier, which consists of a white oversized tee shirt and black shorts.

After getting dressed Kira makes her way to the kitchen to grab some snacks and places them on her coffee table. Finding the remote she turns on the tv and scrolls through the various anime choices before landing on Naruto.

'Naruto huh? I haven't watched that since I was a kid.' Clicking on it then pressing play. Kira binged it for the majority of the rest of the morning before pausing it and grabbing a blanket and falling asleep on the couch.

Word count: 695
I was hoping to reach 1k words but I'm happy I managed to write so much for the first chapter!

I hope you liked the first chapter of this so far, please let me know if you see any mistakes so I can fix it :)

Feel free to comment! I hope to be able to read all of them in the future\^v^/

yours truly~

Kanashii_Kioku <3

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