The kitchen Saga

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B/S: Both of them are alone at home with no servants, no family members at home. The sudden arrival of the guests will make them cook all alone. Murtasim's so-called skills and Meerab's patience meet.......A day with love, care and some romance

Hehe Let's read..........


The soft glow of the morning sun filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a warm and inviting light into Meerab and Murtasim's cozy kitchen. It was a special day, as the couple prepared to host a gathering of family relatives and guests. The air was filled with a mixture of excitement and nervous anticipation as Meerab and Murtasim, a couple deeply in love, set about creating a culinary masterpiece to welcome their loved ones. Meerab, with her infectious smile and a twinkle in her eye, stood at the kitchen counter, a colourful apron wrapped around her petite frame. Her fingers gracefully sifted through a bowl of flour as she prepared the dough for homemade bread. Murtasim, tall and sturdy, stood beside her, wearing a matching apron. His eyes were fixed on Meerab as if she were the most captivating sight in the world.

"Meerab, my love, do you need any help with the dough?" Murtasim asked, reaching for a rolling pin.

Meerab looked up from her work, her eyes sparkling with gratitude. "Oh, Murtasim, you're always so thoughtful. Could you please roll out the dough while I chop the vegetables for the salad?"

Oh I have a good skill of chopping too, I’ll teach ya! You cut some of them, Rest I’ll cut”

Murtasim smirked, and soon, the kitchen became a dance of coordinated movements. Meerab expertly sliced vibrant vegetables, her knife skills a testament to years of culinary passion. Meanwhile, Murtasim rolled out the dough with precision, creating a perfect canvas for the culinary creations that awaited. As they worked side by side, their hands occasionally brushed against each other, sending a warm shiver down their spines. It was a dance of shared dreams, a symphony of love woven into the fabric of their everyday lives. The fragrant aroma of spices filled the air as Meerab prepared the marinade for the chicken. Murtasim couldn't help but steal a glance at her, mesmerized by the way she effortlessly moved around the kitchen. He approached her with a playful smile, holding a sprig of fresh herbs.

"Meerab, a pinch of love, a dash of care, and a sprinkle of joy – that's the secret ingredient, right?" he teased, gently placing the herbs in the marinade.

She chuckled, her laughter like music. "Absolutely, Murtasim. You've got the recipe for our love just right."

The kitchen was a symphony of chopping, sizzling, and the occasional laughter as Meerab and Murtasim prepared for a family gathering. Bowls of colourful vegetables awaited their turn on the chopping board, and the air was thick with the promise of a delicious meal. Murtasim, wearing his wife’s signature apron and armed with a chef's knife, stood in front of the vegetables, ready to showcase his culinary skills.

Murtasim with a flourish uttered, "Prepare yourself, Meerab! The master chef is about to perform his magic."

Meerab, perched on a stool by the kitchen counter, grinned at her husband's theatrics. She loved these moments, the playful banter that made even the simplest tasks an adventure.

"Oh, I'm prepared, Chef Murtasim. Show me what you've got." Meerab uttered

With a confident gleam in his eyes, Murtasim began chopping the vegetables with finesse, the rhythmic thud of the knife against the cutting board creating a culinary melody. Meerab watched, amused, as he pretended to be in a cooking show, complete with dramatic gestures and a running commentary.

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