11 Derrick

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"I think the man with the funny hat is on to us," Gawain says as we are sitting on a few branches of some trees not far from the entrance to the caves.

"Aye, I get the distinct impression he believes that he recognizes me," I reply. "He actually caught me tonight. However, he never went for his weapon. He kept insisting that my name is 'Shaun'."

"Does he seem familiar? Or the name he called you?" Gawain asks with interest.

"Nay," I say shaking my head. "Not in the slightest."

"I say we leave them be and enjoy Beltane for the next couple of days. Perhaps if we don't go 'round for a bit, they will think he's seein' things."

"It sounds like a fair idea to me," I agree. "Although I don't have any idea what happens at Beltane, though what I've read gives me pause."

Gawain grins. "Oh Lad, you are in for a treat. Especially since you're unattached."

I swallow hard, something in his tone making me nervous. "How so?" I ask cautiously.

"Well, it is a traditional 'lover's' holiday. You know the temple grounds towards the center?" I nod and Gawain continues, "Well, it is when many unattached men and women are blessed by the Offeiriades and should a bond hold for a circle and a day, they are formally married. As we are still in the process of repopulating, you may find yourself attached. Should she deem you fit enough, as she has entrusted you as part of our guard, essentially makin' you one of our own."

"How did I miss out on this last circle?" I ask slowly. I thought the current customs were a bit different than what I read of them.

"Ah, you were still in trainin' and learnin' to adapt to your changes. So you weren't brought to temple, as a favor to you. I think you'd have been overwhelmed by lass's lookin' for a male companion. I also believe that you may have been Lady Merida's excuse to beg off last Beltane, so she could be sure you weren't caught unawares by a single lass."

"You think it shall be different this circle?" I ask dreading the reply.

"I think that the Offeiriades already has a plan for you, Lad."

"This would be the first I've heard of it. She rarely speaks to me, other than about our patrols and how much my condition has improved."

Gawain laughs. "All I can recommend is to not dance with too many lasses on Beltane. Some see it as a promise of something more. But do indulge in the feast and drinking. The bonfires are nice as well. Just be mindful of what you do and with whom."

I give a slight nod, "I'll take all of that into careful consideration," I reply dryly.

"You are expected to be there, so don't try and beg off," Gawain says after seeing my expression. "You know Lady Merida would note your absence. And you would risk offending the Offeiriades."

"I do not wish to offend anyone, Gawain. I know that I owe all of you my life. If the Offeiriades decides I should wed, then I suppose I would comply. Even if I don't feel I could provide for anyone, if she so ordered, I would do as she directed," I say quietly.

Gawain nods, satisfied with my reply. "Now, I don't see much else happening tonight," noting that no one seemed to have followed us. "Let's get some rest for the morrow. I'm eager to see Elin. It will be nice to share a bed again for a change." He adds as we head back towards the caves.

"See you in the morning," I say with a wave as we fully enter the first cavern.

"See you at breakfast, Derrick. G'night," Gawain replies as we part ways.

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