8 Derrick

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I hear Gawain's voice before I reach the cavern that he told me to report to.

"Alright, Lads, I want you to welcome the new recruit. His name is Derrick Moncrieffe. He is to train with us. He has been recovering from a rather bad accident, so this is to test his skills to gauge his recovery. Do you understand?"

"Aye, Sir," comes the reply.

"So we're to go easy on this outsider?" a male voice asks. His sarcasm is apparent. Quentin, I think.

"No, test him, but don't try to kill or maim him," Gawain says as he turns his attention to me as I step into the cavern. "Good morn, Lad. Are ye ready to see how you fair?" he asks as I feel the others turn to me, obviously trying to gage my fitness to be with them.

"Good morn, Sir," I reply as I head towards the back row, the other soldiers eyes upon me the entire way. "I'm ready," I reply as I begin copying the stretches of those around me.

Gawain begins calling off certain moves. I stumble a bit at first, but quickly catch on. He has us break off in groups of three. He puts Finn and Quentin on me. I catch the smirk on Quentin's face before he lunges into an attack. I block, tossing him aside onto his arse as Gawain calls out. "Quentin! Did I say to begin?"

"No, Sir," he grumbles as he stands back up. His eyes show nothing but hatred. I've certainly made an enemy of him.

"Good blocking, Derrick! Way to be on the ready."

I give a small nod in reply. Pointedly avoiding looking in Quentin's direction. I notice several other of the men appear amused. Perhaps he has made several enemies here. Finn gives a small nod of what I believe to be acceptance as he leads us off to the side to give others some space.

"Now, Quentin, Let's see how you fare against our new friend," Finn says and Quentin lunges.

I block his advance, but feel a sharp burn in my side as I sweep his legs from under him. Giving a brief pause. I look down and see blood. A scratch, but one I should have stopped.

"Not so good now, eh, Outsider?" Quentin mutters disdain dripping in his tone as he gets back on his feet, his small blade returned to its sheath on his hip.

"A scratch. I'll know better next time," I reply with indifference.

Quentin's nostrils flare as he glares at me. "You don't belong here," he says through gritted teeth before spitting at my feet. "She is not yours," he says so low I nearly miss it as he takes another swing towards me.

I block my side stinging as I throw a counter punch, glancing his cheek as he twists and ducks in an attempt to elbow the place he cut. I turn, but I feel the wound open more, barely blocking his attack. I step back to make space and he lunges again. I see Finn watching, but not advancing. I see Quentin ready for a kick; letting his guard and I make my move. I send a hard kick to the ribs, knocking the wind from him. He stumbles and falls onto his backside. I feel warmed up and ready, lighter than I have felt in memory. Finn pounces and I block it easily landing a solid punch to his shoulder. I sense a motion to my left and jump, Quentin missing my legs, but sweeping Finn off his feet and landing on top of him. I step back and both stand, Finn grinning and Quentin looking more furious.

"Break!" Gawain calls.

Suddenly the room is back in focus and I realise we are not the only ones there. The smell of sweat and the sounds of others heavy breathing fills the air. Finn puts himself between Quentin and me as if he too feels the hatred rolling off him. I barely know him and yet he hates me. Have I wronged him somehow? I assume the female he referred to is Merida, though I have no claim to her, so that would seem pointless. She is well above any station I would hold. I find his aggression inane.

"Go hit the spring then grab a noon meal, lads. You've improved today," Gawain says and several head off to gather clothes to change. Quentin follows them, Finn holding out an arm when I make to follow, blocking me. I look towards him and see him nod to Gawain, who is making his way over to us. He watches the others depart in silence before turning his focus on us. "I don't think Quentin likes you, Lad," he says causing Finn to laugh aloud.

"Aye, I think he's jealous that you're spending so much time with Lady Merida and to top it off, you bested him without trying."

"I simply reacted," I reply. "As to Lady Merida, she's a teacher and healer. I'm simply a student."

"Bah. Keep an eye on him, but don't pay him heed. He has been trying to hitch Lady Merida many circles. She has no interest in him and so he wants her even more. The fact she seems to prefer your company to his just further infuriates him."

"He spoke as if he sees her as property. I do not care for the tone he has when he speaks of her. She deserves respect."

"I agree," Gawain says. "She does deserve his respect. Unfortunately, some males here do not agree. Especially those originally from Doolin. He came at Beltane and stayed when his hit age to take a dance or two. His parents died in the siege, hence his dislike for newcomers."

"Now, let me take a look at that cut," Finn says as he lifts my shirt.

"It isn't bad," I say. "Stings a bit, but I should've been prepared for something underhanded."

"Well, I don't trust he didn't put something on his blade just in hopes of getting you. Especially when I saw his expression this morn when Gawain said you'd be joining us. Come with me, I have a salve you should treat with after a good scrubbing. I don't think you should let Lady Merida see that. She's a bit of a temper and might try and retaliate."

"I think I proved I could fight my own battle, Finn. Surely Lady Merida knows that."

Finn laughs, "Aye, but she's still protective. She put a lot of work into healing you."

"And by the Maker's grace of her talents I'm still this side of the veil."

"Let's go clean up and meet back here after tea. I want a chance to spar without worrying I might get killed by Quentin."

Gawain laughs. "Aye, I want to test your limbs out more. I want to see just how well you've synched."

"Fair enough. I'll see you both after tea," I say as Finn hands me a tube of salve. We agree to meet later and head our own ways from the main cavern.

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