6 Derrick

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I wake to see her asleep on a cot across the room. Merida...that is the name she gave. She looks so peaceful that I am afraid to move, certain that I would wake her. The light is dim, so I am guessing it is night. But I could be mistaken. I've no sense of time. I rest on my back, letting my eyes examine the room. She said we are underground. I study the lighting, the walls, the furniture. It all seems both foreign and familiar. My mind goes back to that first time I saw her...That field. Was it a dream? If so, did she have the same dream? That is astronomically improbable. But her name was the same as the woman in the dream. Maybe I was hearing conversations and associated it with her? Then when I woke, I saw her but there was so much pain. I thought I was surely at the veil, ready to cross. I thought she was an angel of death or mercy. I vaguely remember her yelping, then feeling my body jolt, before she lay me down. It was then I realised that I was indeed alive. These thoughts and memories run through my mind as I drift into my subconscious, trying to recall anything of my life before here.

When I wake again, she is not alone. The man...Gawain...is he her mate? The other woman...the Off-eir-iades...is she royalty? A religious figurehead? This is certainly not a place I have encountered previously. Things seem simple, but I feel there is more to it all. To these people, to this place. I feel the energy. Her energy especially, I gather she is unique even among her own people.

"Derrick?" her tone is pitched with concern.

I blink as I return my focus to the present to find Merida looking at me with a worried expression, her brow creased with concern. "I...I didn't mean to wake you," I stammer, unsure of what else to say.

A look of relief crosses her face and she gives me a small smile, "You didn't wake me. I woke and saw you looking round, but when I spoke to you, you seemed not to hear me."

"I suppose I was caught up in my own thoughts."

"Oh? Are you remembering anything?" she asks.

I shake my head as I move to sit up. "No. Just trying to sort out what I can with the facts I currently have."

"Like what?" she says as she pulls a chair next to my cot and takes a seat.

"Well, the time for one, is it day or night? Why can't I recall things? I seem lucid, but I don't know my own name, though the name you've given me works. Are there people looking for me? Am I presumed dead?"

"You're going to stress yourself if you think like that. I can tell you that to my knowledge, we have had no foreigners anywhere nearby. So if someone is searching for you, it is elsewhere."

"If it's been as long as you said earlier, then it's not likely anyone would be looking for me," I reply.

"True. All the more reason to be comfortable living here."

"I've yet to leave this room."

"Would you like to move about a bit? I could take us some back ways, so you aren't swamped by people. It would do you good to walk round some."

"I'd like to learn more about the Maker if that's permitted."

"Of course!" Merida says smiling. "Perhaps we could go to the small temple. And I can allow you to look at some of our texts. And explain some of our feasts and customs."

"That sounds like a good plan. I'd like to acclimate better."

"Let me get permission from The Offeiriades, and have Gawain bring you some better clothes so that perhaps you'll blend in more."


She stands and starts for the door before stopping and turning back to me. "I'll be a few tics, but don't go anywhere without me."

"As you say, Lady Merida," I reply, not bothering to hide the smile I feel on my lips.

Satisfied, she turns and leaves the room, leaving me alone for the first time since I have awakened.


We walk through the corridors slowly, my hand on her shoulder for balance. We pass a few people who give me a curious glance but say nothing more than a perfunctory greeting, which we return. I do my best not to stare at anything as if seeing it for the first time. But I'm sure I'm not completely successful. We take another turn and she stops us halfway down the corridor.

"The doors there, lead to the main temple. That door leads to the Offeiriades quarters. My quarters are just a bit further to the right. This door is to our old temple. We use it as a library and place of study now. It also houses the Offeiriades office. Come," she says as she opens the door and we step in, the room illuminates with lights above when the door opens. She leads me in and closes the door after us. We go to a corner and take a seat at a long table. She goes round to a shelf and runs her fingers along the book spines, stopping when she finds whatever book she is searching for and pulls it out. Returning to me, she sets it down before me and I stare at it, my fingers tracing the writing on the cover. "This is our most basic text about the Maker and our customs. I thought this would be a good place to start."

"This isn't far from the room I am in."

"We wanted you to be close so we could keep others from bothering you."

"How long may I stay?"

"Here? Until the Maker takes you, I suppose."

I let out a snort of amusement. "I meant literally here. In this room reading." Merida's face flushes but she smiles, her eyes so green and bright they take my breath.

"Oh. Until time for supper, I suppose," she replies as she rises from her seat. "I will leave you to your task."

"You're leaving me?" I ask a bit unnerved at being left alone. "What if someone should find me here?"

"You are safe here, Derrick. Only four others are permitted here unaccompanied. We all know of your presence and have been alerted to the possibility of you being here. So, you should have no issues. I was simply going to give you time to read and reflect. If you have any questions, I shall return in an awr and we can talk. I was going to bring some lunch here for us."

I relax at this revelation and give her a nod. "I look forward to your return, Milady."

She reaches into her tunic into what appears to be a pocket and sets a small rectangular object in front of me. "If you need me before I return, touch here," she says indicating a small screen. "I will come back straightaway."

"Thank you," I reply.

She gives a final glance my direction before leaving the room.

I look round, curious about what books are here. Will I find something familiar? I decide it's best to begin with the book presently before me. I open it and begin to read the text.

The Caves of LachäwrWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu