10 The Offeiriades

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"So, take a seat and tell me, just what have you found that had you going out so far at night?" I ask casually.

"We have intruders, Offeiriades," Gawain replies. "We found them this afternoon while training."

"Intruders?" I repeat. "Why did you not come to me immediately?" I say looking between the two men before me.

"We wanted to have more information, Offeiriades. It was my idea to see where they are and scope out how many there were," Derrick cuts in before Gawain can speak.

"I see. And what have you learned?"

"There are roughly seventy-five to a hundred humans. A mix of men, women, and children. Some livestock, large amounts of food. Enough to sustain them for several cycles. They also have equipment that looks to be communications and satellite capable."

This is alarming. I don't bother to keep my fear from my face. I want them to know this is bad.

"We need to find a way to get them to leave," Merida states quietly.

"I suggested destroying their food stores," Gawain says.

"And I pointed out that doing so would not only alert them to our presence, but it could be seen as a provocation and they could call an army of soldiers to come to their aid. We don't know what they have off-world at their disposal," Derrick adds.

"A valid point, Derrick," I reply. "So what do you suggest?" I ask as I watch Merida, who is studying Derrick intently.

"We could sabotage equipment. Some of it looked vaguely familiar to me. Much like some of what we have here seemed familiar once you permitted me access to the systems."

"You think your memories are returning?" Merida asks quietly, a hint of hope in her tone.

Derrick shakes his head, "Nay. It seems intuitive, not exactly a memory. Perhaps it is something similar to what I used...before. I don't know how better to explain it, Meri- er, Milady."

I notice his stumble and his quick correction, but decide not to acknowledge it as I turn my focus towards Gawain, "Do you feel this threat is immediate, Gawain?"

"I do not. I feel that Derrick is likely correct with his assessment. We have at least until after Beltane unless other vessels begin arriving."

"Very well. We will proceed as if there is nothing amiss. Although we should add some surveillance vids and I want the two of you to head patrols. How are you progressing with your weapons training, Derrick?"

"Gawain seems pleased with my progress, Offeiriades. I can now pull a sword and protect more than myself if necessary."

"Do you agree with his assessment, Gawain?" I ask.

"I feel that he is selling himself short, Offeiriades. I have not seen many who have mastered the weapons or tech as quickly. He seems to be a natural. One I would want at my side should we have to fight."

I give a slight nod, looking between the two men as I debate my next words. "Let us pray that we do not have to fight. I will see about establishing a perimeter. I want the two of you set up sensors so that we can carefully monitor what these intruders are doing. So long as they are not harming our land, we shall not use force. Gradually causing equipment failures and such may be the way to go, especially since they have young ones. Should you see cause for further alarm, report it immediately. So that we can determine our quickest reaction. Are we clear?"

"Aye, Offeiriades," the men reply in unison.

"Very well. You two need some rest. I will assign others to your morning duties. Get something to break your fast, and then get a few awrs of sleep. After the noon meal, report to Merida to see where you're needed."

They give a small bow before heading towards the dining hall to eat something before heading their separate ways to their quarters.


"Merida," I begin once the men have left our presence. "What are your thoughts on Derrick?"

"Thoughts in regards to what, Offeiriades?" she asks cautiously She turns away in an attempt to hide the blush on her cheeks, but she knows I saw it.

"On how he feels about being here."

"He seems happy, Offeiriades. He has accepted the Maker and our ways. Most believe he simply came from another town. Though most still call him 'Outsider' other than people he's been training with."

"I rarely see him dine with anyone other than you."

"It is what he is used to, I suppose. We spent so much time together these past two circles; it's a force of habit."

"How would you feel if he showed an interest in someone other than you?"

"He is free to choose whomever he wishes. Isn't that why you want him to attend Beltane?"

I nod. "He seemed at ease during Yule, so I feel he is ready to fully join us."

"What of the humans?"

"There will be time to deal with them. They have done nothing to provoke us, or even act as if they are aware of our presence, so we wait. I will not be so quick to befriend off-worlders again."

"I understand," she replies quietly as she bows her head.

"Go and help prepare for the festival, Merida. I have a few things I wish to do in private. I shall check on you in a couple of awrs."

"As you say, Offeiriades," Merida replies with a small bow before leaving me alone once more.


I enter my office and take up the small tablet from my desk. The screen comes alive and I return to the last saved images, two individual crests nearly identical to the one combined symbol on Derrick's shoulder. This must not be a coincidence. He must somehow be connected to us. Maker knows he should not have lived, yet he has. Bu, how is he connected? Is he a descendant of some of the first people here? If so, his connection is ancient. It would explain why he was receptive to our ways and healing compared to the few others who have come here that we have tried to save.

The Caves of LachäwrOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora