Headcanons With The Boys (Cute edition)

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- Bought little bunny hats to put on your helmets.

- Give gentle attention to your waist and thighs.

- Kisses your scars when he sees them.

- Smells most of the time like gas, but a vanilla cologne wining over.

- Buys little but a lot.

- Cuddles during your periods.

- Neck kisser.

- Bad attitude with everyone, but soft spot for his lover.

- Prepares you random bubble baths.

- Lips taste like mint.

- Hums to you when your sleepy.

- Doesn't sleep until you do.

- Nicknames such as "Princess", "Love" and "Angel".

Eden (M x F and M x MTF):

- Drives you to your favorite coffee shop every morning (and pays, of course).

- Brings you shopping whenever you want (and pays again).

- Helps you when you need help.

- Buys you all your favorite on your time of the month.

- Smells like peppermint.

- Lets you sit on his lap when he plays video games.

- Kisses your body insecurities to reassure you.

- Late car/bike rides.

- Reminds you how pretty you are, with or without makeup.

- Dreaming of your future and your kids.

- Lips taste like dark cherry.

- Kisses your forehead every night before falling asleep.

- Nicknames such as "Baby", "Darling" and "Sweetheart".

Jeremy (M x M and M x F):

- Early bird but wakes you up later on.

- Makes different breakfasts for all 7 days of the week.

- Loves hiking, animals, nature.

- Sugary smell.

- Will introduce you to his dog, Fiby.

- Helps you with your homework and study.

- Big lover of your back, will massage it.

- Mumbles and hides his face in your neck when he feels bad.

- Loves when you look at him as he paints.

- You're his muse.

- Lips taste like cotton candy.

- Nicknames such as "Love", "Mi amor" and "Honey/Hun".

Enzo (M x M):

- Kisses your cheek softly to wake you up.

- Tells you about what he's been reading recently.

- Smells like coconut.

- Trains with you to motivate you even if he doesn't want to train.

- Watches your favorite movies and makes you watch his.

- Cuddles you when he feels sad.

- Loves your hands.

- Strokes your hair gently when you feel low.

- Late night hot cocoa.

- Loves to watch the stars.

- Lips taste like fruits depending on which lip balm he uses.

- Drags you to bed to hold onto you when he sleeps.

- Nicknames such as "Babe", "Love" and "Bibi".

Robin (M x M, M x F and any other)

- Prince/Princess treatment.

- Prepares you a bath every morning.

- Brings you tea in the afternoon.

- Smells like citrus.

- Kisses your hand.

- Rubs your hair gently when you two cuddle.

- Will read you bedtime stories.

- Offers you to dance under the moon whatever season it is.

- Massages your feet when they're uncomfortable or tired.

- Reminds you how much he loves you everyday.

- Recreates some scenes you love in your books.

- Gives you flower for Valentines, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc.

- Lips taste like dark chocolate.

- Nicknames such as "Prince/Princess", "My Love" and "Dear".

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