Spooky Sweaty Halloween

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Aether's pov:

Robin: So wait, you're a dude?

Aether: No, I'm actually non-binary. I just huh... got a penis when we gave me birth.

Robin: I'm so bad at this LGBTQ thing, I'm sorry.

Aether: It's ok, you'll get use to it.

As we are decorating the house, Robin started asking so many questions about me, which was a bit uncomfortable, but interesting to answer. I taught him about LGBTQA+ and different sexualities, pronouns and genders. The poor man is all confused.

Aether: Non-binary basically means that I don't feel like a boy, nor a girl.

Robin: So, how should I call you then? Not boyfriend, not girlfriend?

Aether: Partner is the right word in the case.

Robin: Oh, yea, makes sense.

He smiles a bit but I can tell he's still concerned about this. I get the last sticker on the window and gets down from the ladder Robin was holding. My feet now on the ground, I kiss his cheek and strokes his hair a bit.

Aether: Don't worry about it too much, I can give you some examples of cute names you can use.

Robin: Please do, this is a bit confusing.

I sit on the couch and taps the place beside me. He sighs and walks to it, then sits, looking at me.

Aether: What are some names you wanna call me?

Robin: Hm... Well baby, babe.

Aether: These are fine, they are gender neutral.

Robin: Then huh... sweetheart?

Aether: Yea, still good.

Robin: My love.

Aether: Mhm.

Robin: Oh, well this isn't too complicated.

He chuckles and rubs his neck nervously. I smile and kisses him. Robin looks a bit surprised at first but kisses back and smiles too.

Robin: I'll make sure to use the names and pronouns right, I promise.

Aether: No need to stress too much, ok?

I stroke his hair again, laughing lightly. To think we met only like a month or two ago. It was like a novel, a story. I fell instantly in love. And me who thought love at first sight was nothing more than imagination.

Aether: Try and concentrate on your Halloween costume for tonight instead.

Robin: Are you sure you wanna come to this Halloween party with me? I know you ain't very sociable and extroverted, you don't need to force yourself.

He does have a point, I hate crowds so much. But it's a moment I can share with him and his group. If I want to feel welcome in their group, I must pass time out of my comfort zone, aka reading and listening to music.

Aether: I wanna come, Robin. I'll be fine. It's not the first party I'm going to a party. Plus, there is no need to fear it, you'll be around, right?

Robin: 'Course I'll be with you.

He holds me closer, sharing his sweet lips with mine. I giggle and kisses back, bringing my arms around his neck.

Robin: You're so cute.

Aether: Yea, yea, I know.

Robin smiles and kisses me once again. I go with it, running my fingers through his hair slowly. I push away softly after a few seconds.

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