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- Chapter Eight -
"You're beautiful."


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Sebastian still remembered the first time he watched the peak of the castle appear from behind a hill, sailing across the lake on the first year boats. His wondrous expression had been cast with a dim orange glow, his mouth falling open as he gazed upon the impressive building that towered over the expanse of fields. So young and so naïve, foolishly excited for the future.

That morning, he had woken up early and had himself prepared immediately, had a healthy breakfast prepared by the house elves, bid his father goodbye at the door. Then, he, his mother and his four-year-old sister made their way to the train station where they had sent him off for the year. Back then, he had returned for Christmas, for Easter, for every half-term.

But every year since then, Hogwarts had seemed to get a little bit darker every time he arrived on the first of September. The architecture became a little bit less impressive, the friendships became a little bit less tight-knit, and Sebastian became a little bit less happy every year he returned to the magical school, knowing what happened behind the scenes.

Now, arriving at Hogwarts for the seventh time since had missed out on his last year at the school, the castle was the dimmest it had ever been. In Sebastian's eyes, the brick was black with decay and the sky was grey with terrible grief. And he felt sick. Not only because of the fact that Dumbledore had apparated them into the grounds, but also because he was standing in the building that had been the death of his sister.

There had been a common known rule that you couldn't apparate in or out of Hogwarts but Sebastian supposed that because it was Dumbledore, the rules didn't apply to him. Sebastian felt his stomach churn and gently closed his eyes as they entered Dumbledore's office, looking torn and confused all at the same time as he looked around the place.

"Hey, Fawkes..." Sebastian murmured at the sight of the phoenix that Dumbledore owned, bringing his hand up to lightly stroke at the red feathers. Fawkes blinked tearfully up at Sebastian, as though he knew, which it probably did. "Yeah, it's me, I'm back."

And then, in a flame of fire, Fawkes exploded as though Sebastian's words had been the fuse. Sebastian took his hand back calmly and simply smiled lightly at the new baby phoenix rising from the ashes, so innocent and so clueless - it made him wonder.

"He missed you." Dumbledore spoke, his voice commanding the room. As soon as they had entered, Dumbledore had swept over to glass cabinets full of memories that could be put in the Pensieve - Dumbledore looked like he was wondering something too.

But no one could ever tell what Albus Dumbledore was thinking. No one but one special person who was no longer with them anymore...but Sebastian didn't know.

"Okay." Sebastian clasped his hands together, pushing away any unwelcome thoughts as he traipsed over to Dumbledore who was picking vials from the cabinet carefully. "So talk. What are you gonna show me?"

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